Insignia Solutions, Inc.

Insignia Solutions, Inc.

(company)/in-sig'nee-* s*-loosh'nz/ A company that made itsname as a provider of software that allows users to runMicrosoft Windows and MS-DOS application programs onDigital, HP, IBM, Motorola, NeXT, Silicon Graphicsand Sun/SPARC workstations, X terminals, Javadesktops, and Apple Computer's Power Macintosh andMotorola 68000-based computers.

Insignia Solutions was founded in 1986. Their first product,SoftPC 1.0 for Sun workstations, was introduced in 1988.Also in 1988, Insignia shipped its first version of SoftPC forApple Computer's Macintosh. As the demand to run Windows andMS-DOS applications on non-Intel computers grew, Insigniasigned OEM agreements with several companies including Data General, Digital, Fujitsu, HP, Intergraph Corp.,Motorola, Silicon Graphics, and Sun Microsystems.

Insignia Solutions sold its SoftWindows and RealPC productlines to FWB Software Its major product in 2000 isthe Jeode platform, a Java virtual machine for Internet appliances and embedded devices.

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