Acronym | Definition |
AFDD➣Air Force Doctrine Document |
AFDD➣Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (Association of Relatives of the Disappeared) |
AFDD➣Association Française des Docteurs en Droit |
AFDD➣Aero-Flight Dynamics Directorate (US Army/NASA) |
AFDD➣Audit Findings and Differences Database (ICAO) |
AFDD➣Acriflavine Direct Detection |
AFDD➣Air Force Data Dictionary |
AFDD➣Angels For David Duchovny (web ring) |
AFDD➣Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostic |
AFDD➣America's Finest Dentist Directory |
AFDD➣Azerbaijan Foundation for Development of Democracy |
AFDD➣Anaerobic Floating Dome Digester |
AFDD➣Association Femmes pour un Développement Durable |
AFDD➣Association of Families of the Detained and Disappeared (Chile) |
AFDD➣Accumulated Freezing Degree Day |
AFDD➣Alluvial-Fan Deposit, Debris flow dominant (bedrock) |
AFDD➣Average Flavor Delivery Duration |
AFDD➣Approved for Detailed Design (UK) |