Internal Labor Regulations
Internal Labor Regulations
in the USSR, a fundamental act that regulates labor at industrial enterprises and establishments and organizations.
The purpose of the internal labor regulations is to promote stronger socialist labor discipline, more effective use of working time, and a rise in labor productivity and efficiency of social production. Model regulations were ratified by the State Committee on Labor and Wages of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Sept. 29, 1972 (the Committee Biulleten’, 1972, no. 12), with the consent of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Based on these model regulations, ministries and departments, with the consent of the appropriate central or republic committees of the trade unions, issue branch regulations, which take into account the individual features of each economic sector. The management of enterprises, establishments, and organizations, with the consent of the factory trade union committees, establish the internal labor regulations applicable to the operating conditions of the particular enterprise. In addition to general principles, the internal labor regulations contain sections dealing with methods of hiring and dismissing factory and office workers, basic duties of factory and office workers, basic duties of management, working hours and organization of the workday, job incentives, and punishment for violation of labor discipline.
In some economic sectors—for example in rail, water, and air transport and in communications enterprises—there are special disciplinary regulations for certain categories of factory and office workers.