Information-Processing Computer
Information-Processing Computer
a digital computer designed for the mechanization and automation of the storage, processing, and retrieval of data in large amounts.
An information-processing computer automatically classifies information and places it in definite locations in memory or provides criteria for accelerating its retrieval. The distinguishing features of an information-processing computer are various storage devices of large capacity (up to 109 symbols) with a developed system for exchanging data between individual storage units; an extensive collection of textual, visual, and vocal input/output devices for data; remote automatic communication between information sources and users; an extensive body of logical operations for the retrieval, sorting, and processing of information; the possibility of multiprogramming; and software containing information-retrieval languages, dictionaries of descriptors, classifiers, and programs for the retrieval and processing of the information.
Batrakov, V. A., and V. I. Bogatyrev. Elektronnye tsifrovye mashiny dlia resheniia informatsionno-logicheskikh zadach. Moscow-Leningrad, 1961.Belonogov, G. G., and R. G. Kotov. Avtomatizirovannye informatsion nopoiskovye sistemy. Moscow, 1968.