Interkolkhoz Associations
Interkolkhoz Associations
a form of management for interkolkhoz enterprises to coordinate their activities on the raion, oblast, or republic level. The associations were developed along with the interkolkhoz enterprises.
Interkolkhoz associations have become most widespread in construction, where they have been formed on the raion, oblast, krai, and republic levels. In 1972 there were 215 oblast, krai, and republic-level interkolkhoz construction associations, including 88 in the RSFSR, 87 in the Ukrainian SSR, 7 in the Byelorussian SSR, and 11 in the Uzbek SSR. The economic organizations under these associations included 438 construction-and-erection administrations, construction administrations, and mobile mechanization columns; 418 major enterprises for the production of building materials; 97 design agencies and institutes; and 102 agencies for material and technical supply. Interkolkhoz associations for the fattening of livestock and the processing of agricultural products are increasingly common.
The interkolkhoz associations are charged with administrative and managerial functions over their subordinate units, including economic guidance and the monitoring of production and financial activity. Associations of this type have also been established in other European socialist countries, such as Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, and Hungary.