

单词 innocent



I0152400 (ĭn′ə-sənt)adj.1. Uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing; sinless: an innocent child.2. a. Not guilty of a specific crime or offense; legally blameless: was innocent of all charges.b. Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law; lawful.3. a. Not dangerous or harmful; innocuous: an innocent prank.b. Candid; straightforward: a child's innocent stare.4. a. Not experienced or worldly; naive.b. Betraying or suggesting no deception or guile; artless.5. a. Not exposed to or familiar with something specified; ignorant: American tourists wholly innocent of French.b. Unaware: She remained innocent of the complications she had caused.6. Lacking, deprived, or devoid of something: a novel innocent of literary merit.n.1. A person, especially a child, who is free of evil or sin.2. A simple, guileless, inexperienced, or unsophisticated person.3. A very young child.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin innocēns, innocent- : in-, not; see in-1 + nocēns, present participle of nocēre, to harm; see nek- in Indo-European roots.]
in′no·cent·ly adv.


(ˈɪnəsənt) adj1. not corrupted or tainted with evil or unpleasant emotion; sinless; pure2. (Law) not guilty of a particular crime; blameless3. (foll by: of) free (of); lacking: innocent of all knowledge of history. 4. a. harmless or innocuous: an innocent game. b. not cancerous: an innocent tumour. 5. credulous, naive, or artless6. simple-minded; slow-wittedn7. an innocent person, esp a young child or an ingenuous adult8. a simple-minded person; simpleton ˈinnocently adv


(ˈɪn ə sənt)

adj. 1. free from moral wrong; without sin; pure. 2. free from legal or specific wrong; guiltless. 3. not involving evil intent or motive. 4. not causing physical or moral injury; harmless: innocent fun. 5. devoid (usu. fol. by of): a law innocent of merit. 6. having or showing the simplicity or naiveté of an unworldly person. 7. uninformed or unaware; ignorant. n. 8. an innocent person. 9. a young child. [1150–1200; Middle English < Latin innocent-, s. of innocēns=in- in-3 + nocēns, present participle of nocēre to harm] in′no•cent•ly, adv.


(ˈɪn ə sənt)
n. 1. Innocent I, Saint, died A.D. 417, Italian pope 401–417. 2. Innocent II, (Gregorio Papareschi) died 1143, Italian pope 1130–43. 3. Innocent III, (Giovanni Lotario de' Conti) 1161?–1216, Italian pope 1198–1216. 4. Innocent IV, (Sinbaldo de Fieschi) c1180–1254, Italian pope 1243–54. 5. Innocent XI, (Benedetto Odescalchi) 1611–89, Italian pope 1676–89.


- From Latin in-, "free from," and nocere, "hurt, injure."See also related terms for hurt.
Noun1.innocent - a person who lacks knowledge of evilinnocent - a person who lacks knowledge of evilinexperienced personindividual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"boy scout - a man who is considered naivedear, lamb - a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)naif - a naive or inexperienced personvirgin - a person who has never had sex
Adj.1.innocent - free from evil or guilt; "an innocent child"; "the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty"clean-handed, guiltlessexculpatory - clearing of guilt or blamerighteous - characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice; "the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much"- James 5:16guilty - responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; "guilty of murder"; "the guilty person"; "secret guilty deeds"
2.innocent - lacking intent or capacity to injure; "an innocent prank"innocuousharmless - not causing or capable of causing harm; "harmless bacteria"; "rendered the bomb harmless"
3.innocent - free from sinimpeccant, sinlessvirtuous - morally excellent
4.innocent - lacking in sophistication or worldliness; "a child's innocent stare"; "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it"ingenuousnaif, naive - marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience; "a teenager's naive ignorance of life"; "the naive assumption that things can only get better"; "this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances"
5.innocent - not knowledgeable about something specified; "American tourists wholly innocent of French"; "a person unacquainted with our customs"unacquainteduninformed - not informed; lacking in knowledge or information; "the uninformed public"
6.innocent - completely wanting or lacking; "writing barren of insight"; "young recruits destitute of experience"; "innocent of literary merit"; "the sentence was devoid of meaning"devoid, destitute, barren, freenonexistent - not having existence or being or actuality; "chimeras are nonexistent"
7.innocent - (used of things) lacking sense or awareness; "fine innocent weather"archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expressionunconscious - not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead; "lay unconscious on the floor"


adjective1. not guilty, in the clear, blameless, clear, clean, honest, faultless, squeaky-clean, uninvolved, irreproachable, guiltless, unoffending The police knew from day one that I was innocent.
not guilty guilty, responsible, culpable, blameworthy
2. naive, open, trusting, simple, natural, frank, confiding, candid, unaffected, childlike, gullible, unpretentious, unsophisticated, unworldly, credulous, artless, ingenuous, guileless, wet behind the ears (informal), unsuspicious They seemed so young and innocent.
naive worldly, sophisticated, artful, disingenuous
3. harmless, innocuous, inoffensive, well-meant, unobjectionable, unmalicious, well-intentioned It was probably an innocent question, but he got very flustered.
harmless offensive, harmful, malicious, evil, wicked, iniquitous
4. pure, stainless, immaculate, moral, virgin, decent, upright, impeccable, righteous, pristine, wholesome, spotless, demure, chaste, unblemished, virginal, unsullied, sinless, incorrupt that innocent virgin, Clarissa
pure corrupt, immoral, dishonest, sinful, impure
noun1. child, novice, greenhorn (informal), babe in arms (informal), ingénue or (masc.) ingénu He was a hopeless innocent where women were concerned.innocent of free from, clear of, unaware of, ignorant of, untouched by, unfamiliar with, empty of, lacking, unacquainted with, nescient of She was completely natural and innocent of any airs and graces.


adjective1. Free from evil and corruption:angelic, angelical, clean, lily-white, pure, sinless, unblemished, uncorrupted, undefiled, unstained, unsullied, untainted, virginal.Idiom: pure as the driven snow.2. Free from guilt or blame:blameless, faultless, guiltless, harmless, irreproachable, lily-white, unblamable.Slang: clean.Idiom: in the clear.3. Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law:lawful, legal, legitimate, licit.Slang: legit.4. Devoid of hurtful qualities:harmless, hurtless, innocuous, inoffensive, unoffensive.5. Free from guile, cunning, or deceit:artless, guileless, ingenuous, naive, natural, simple, unaffected, unsophisticated, unstudied, unworldly.6. Not aware or informed:ignorant, oblivious, unacquainted, unaware, unconscious, unenlightened, unfamiliar, uninformed, unknowing, unwitting.Idiom: in the dark.7. Not having a desirable element:barren, destitute, devoid, empty, lacking, void, wanting.Idiom: in want of.noun1. A pure, uncorrupted person:angel, lamb, virgin.2. A guileless, unsophisticated person:babe, child, ingénue, naive.Idiom: babe in the woods.3. A young person between birth and puberty:bud, child, juvenile, moppet, tot, youngster.Informal: kid.Scots: bairn.


(ˈinəsnt) adjective1. not guilty (of a crime, misdeed etc). A man should be presumed innocent of a crime until he is proved guilty; They hanged an innocent man. 清白的 清白的2. (of an action etc) harmless or without harmful or hidden intentions. innocent games and amusements; an innocent remark. 無害的,沒有惡意的 无害的,没有恶意的 3. free from, or knowing nothing about, evil etc. an innocent child; You can't be so innocent as to believe what advertisements say! 天真的 天真的ˈinnocently adverb 清白地, 沒有惡意地,天真地 清白地,无罪地,天真地 ˈinnocence nounHe at last managed to prove his innocence; the innocence of a child. 清白,無惡意,天真 清白,无辜,天真




(as) innocent as a newborn babe

1. Blameless or faultless. I swear, I didn't pull the fire alarm—I'm innocent as a newborn babe!2. Unsophisticated, inexperienced, and/or gullible. This is her first job—she's as innocent as a newborn babe.See also: babe, innocent, newborn

(as) innocent as a lamb

1. Blameless or faultless. I swear, I didn't pull the fire alarm—I'm innocent as a lamb!2. Unsophisticated, inexperienced, and/or gullible. This is her first job—she's as innocent as a lamb.See also: innocent, lamb

play innocent

To act as if one had no knowledge or involvement in something. He always plays innocent whenever something goes wrong in his department. Quit playing innocent, Dana—we have proof that you're the one who stole from the register.See also: innocent, play

find (one) innocent

To determine and declare in court that one is innocent of a crime. I don't know how the jury found him innocent, considering all the evidence against him.See also: find, innocent

find someone guilty

 and find someone innocent; find someone not guiltyto decide guilt or innocence and deliver a verdict in a court of law. The judge found the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity. The jury found the defendant innocent.See also: find, guilty

*innocent as a lamb

 and *innocent as a newborn babe 1. guiltless. (*Also: as ~.) "Hey! You can't throw me in jail," cried the robber. "I'm innocent as a lamb." 2. naive; inexperienced. (*Also: as ~.) She's eighteen years old, but innocent as a newborn babe.See also: innocent, lamb

play innocent

to pretend to be innocent and not concerned. There is no need to play innocent. I know you broke the lamp! John is playing innocent, and he knows more than he is telling us.See also: innocent, play



 [be-nīn´] not recurrent; favorable for recovery with appropriate treatment. The opposite of malignant.


(in'ō-sent), 1. Not apparently harmful. 2. Free from legal or moral wrong. [L. innocens (-ent-), fr. in, neg., + noceo, to injure]


(in'ŏ-sĕnt) 1. Not apparently harmful. 2. Free from moral wrong. [L. innocens (-ent-), fr. in, neg., + noceo, to injure]


INNOCUOUS, non-malignant, BENIGN.



Absent guilt; acting in Good Faith with no knowledge of defects, objections, or inculpative circumstances.

A person accused of and prosecuted for the commission of a crime is presumed innocent until proved guilty Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.


adj. without guilt (not guilty). Usually the plea which an accused criminal defendant gives to the court at the time of his/her first appearance (or after a continued appearance). Such pleas often disturb the public in cases in which guilt seems obvious from the start. However, everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and the innocent plea gives defense lawyers an opportunity to investigate, find extenuating circumstances, develop reasons punishment should be lenient, bargain with the District Attorney, and let the memories of witnesses fade. (See: plea, plea bargain, arraignment)


  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for innocent

adj not guilty


  • not guilty
  • in the clear
  • blameless
  • clear
  • clean
  • honest
  • faultless
  • squeaky-clean
  • uninvolved
  • irreproachable
  • guiltless
  • unoffending


  • guilty
  • responsible
  • culpable
  • blameworthy

adj naive


  • naive
  • open
  • trusting
  • simple
  • natural
  • frank
  • confiding
  • candid
  • unaffected
  • childlike
  • gullible
  • unpretentious
  • unsophisticated
  • unworldly
  • credulous
  • artless
  • ingenuous
  • guileless
  • wet behind the ears
  • unsuspicious


  • worldly
  • sophisticated
  • artful
  • disingenuous

adj harmless


  • harmless
  • innocuous
  • inoffensive
  • well-meant
  • unobjectionable
  • unmalicious
  • well-intentioned


  • offensive
  • harmful
  • malicious
  • evil
  • wicked
  • iniquitous

adj pure


  • pure
  • stainless
  • immaculate
  • moral
  • virgin
  • decent
  • upright
  • impeccable
  • righteous
  • pristine
  • wholesome
  • spotless
  • demure
  • chaste
  • unblemished
  • virginal
  • unsullied
  • sinless
  • incorrupt


  • corrupt
  • immoral
  • dishonest
  • sinful
  • impure

noun child


  • child
  • novice
  • greenhorn
  • babe in arms
  • ingénue or (masc.) ingénu

phrase innocent of


  • free from
  • clear of
  • unaware of
  • ignorant of
  • untouched by
  • unfamiliar with
  • empty of
  • lacking
  • unacquainted with
  • nescient of

Synonyms for innocent

adj free from evil and corruption


  • angelic
  • angelical
  • clean
  • lily-white
  • pure
  • sinless
  • unblemished
  • uncorrupted
  • undefiled
  • unstained
  • unsullied
  • untainted
  • virginal

adj free from guilt or blame


  • blameless
  • faultless
  • guiltless
  • harmless
  • irreproachable
  • lily-white
  • unblamable
  • clean

adj within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law


  • lawful
  • legal
  • legitimate
  • licit
  • legit

adj devoid of hurtful qualities


  • harmless
  • hurtless
  • innocuous
  • inoffensive
  • unoffensive

adj free from guile, cunning, or deceit


  • artless
  • guileless
  • ingenuous
  • naive
  • natural
  • simple
  • unaffected
  • unsophisticated
  • unstudied
  • unworldly

adj not aware or informed


  • ignorant
  • oblivious
  • unacquainted
  • unaware
  • unconscious
  • unenlightened
  • unfamiliar
  • uninformed
  • unknowing
  • unwitting

adj not having a desirable element


  • barren
  • destitute
  • devoid
  • empty
  • lacking
  • void
  • wanting

noun a pure, uncorrupted person


  • angel
  • lamb
  • virgin

noun a guileless, unsophisticated person


  • babe
  • child
  • ingénue
  • naive

noun a young person between birth and puberty


  • bud
  • child
  • juvenile
  • moppet
  • tot
  • youngster
  • kid
  • bairn

Synonyms for innocent

noun a person who lacks knowledge of evil


  • inexperienced person

Related Words

  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • boy scout
  • dear
  • lamb
  • naif
  • virgin

adj free from evil or guilt


  • clean-handed
  • guiltless

Related Words

  • exculpatory
  • righteous


  • guilty

adj lacking intent or capacity to injure


  • innocuous

Related Words

  • harmless

adj free from sin


  • impeccant
  • sinless

Related Words

  • virtuous

adj lacking in sophistication or worldliness


  • ingenuous

Related Words

  • naif
  • naive

adj not knowledgeable about something specified


  • unacquainted

Related Words

  • uninformed

adj completely wanting or lacking


  • devoid
  • destitute
  • barren
  • free

Related Words

  • nonexistent

adj (used of things) lacking sense or awareness

Related Words

  • archaicism
  • archaism
  • unconscious




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