

 [in″ter-me´de-at] 1. placed between; see also medial and median.2. resembling, in part, each of two extremes.3. a substance formed in a chemical process that is essential to formation of the end product of the process.


(in'tĕr-mē'dē-ăt), [TA] 1. Between two extremes; interposed; intervening. 2. A substance formed in the course of chemical reactions that then proceeds to participate in further reactions; such substances, when appearing in the course of the reactions involved in metabolism, are metabolic intermediates. 3. In dentistry, a cement base. 4. An element or organ between right and left (or lateral and medial) structures. Synonym(s): intermedius [TA]

median ramus

An artery whose origin bisects the origins of both the left anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery. When a median ramus branch is present, the left main will be seen to trifurcate in the left anterior oblique caudal projection, and the median ramus artery is the middle artery at this point of trifurcation.


(in'tĕr-mē'dē-ăt) [TA] 1. Between two extremes; interposed; intervening. 2. A substance formed in the course of chemical reactions that then proceeds to participate rapidly in further reactions, so that at any given moment it is present in minute concentrations only; such substances, when appearing in the course of the reactions involved in metabolism, are metabolic intermediates. 3. dentistry A cement base. 4. An element or organ between right and left (or lateral and medial) structures.
Synonym(s): intermedius.