International Peace Garden

International Peace Garden

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / Affiliated AreasAddress:Rt 1
Box 116
Dunseith, ND 58329

Size: 2,339 acres.
Established: Originated by North Dakota in 1931. Federal aid authorized in acts of 1949, 1954, 1958, and 1974. North Dakota holds the 888-acre U.S. portion for International Peace Garden, Inc., which administers the area for North Dakota and Manitoba.
Location:Park straddles the US/Canadian border between Dunseith, North Dakota, and Boissevain, Manitoba.
Facilities:Interpretive center, gift shop, game warden museum, hiking trails, bike paths, cross-country ski trails, campgrounds.
Activities:Interpretive programs, including garden tours, nature hikes, crafts programs, gardening classes, greenhouse tours, horticulturist talks, campfire programs, and environmental education activities.
Special Features:Park commemorates the friendship between this continent's two largest nations -- the United States and Canada -- along the longest unfortified border in the world. It encompasses magnificent floral displays, Lake Metigoshe, Lake Metigoshe State Park, Devil's Lake, and Sully's Hill National Game Preserve.

See other parks in North Dakota.