

单词 insects



See also ants; bees; biology; butterflies; zoology.
acarophobiaa fear of itching or of the mites or ticks that cause it.aeroscepsy, aeroscepsisperception by means of the air, said to be a function of the antennae of insects.bugologyInformal. entomology. — bugologist, n.coleopterologythe branch of entomology that studies beetles and weevils. — coleopterological, adj. — coleopterist, n.dipterologythe branch of entomology that studies the order of insects Diptera, including houseflies, mosquitoes, and gnats.entomologythe branch of zoology that studies insects. Also called insectology. — entomologist, n. — entomologie, entomological, adj.entomomaniaan abnormal love of insects.entomophobiaan abnormal fear of insects.ephemeronanything shortlived, or of brief duration, especially certain types of insects such as the mayfly.gynandromorphismthe condition of having one half of the body male and the other half female, as certain insects. — gynandromorph, n. — gynandromorphous, adj.hemipterologythe branch of entomology that studies the order Hemiptera, including bedbugs, squashbugs, and aphids.heteromorphism1. the quality of differing in form from the standard or norm.
2. the condition of existing in different forms at different stages of development, as certain insects. — heteromorphic, adj.
hymenopterologythe branch of entomology that studies the order Hytnenoptera, including bees, wasps, and ants.hypermetamorphosisa process by which an insect goes through more than the usual number of transformations, as the larva being metamorphosed more than once.ichneumonologythe study of the life of the ichneumon fly.insecticidea substance used for killing insects. — insecticidal, adj.insectologyentomology.myrmecologythe study of ants.neotenythe capacity or state of becoming sexually mature in the larval stage. — neotenous, adj.neuropterologythe branch of entomology that studies the order Neuroptera, including lacewings and ant lions.orthopterologythe branch of entomology that studies the order Orthoptera, including cockroaches, grasshoppers, and mantises.pediculophobiaan abnormal fear of lice. Also called phthiriophobia.pediculosisan infestation with lice; lousiness. — pediculous, adj.pesticideany chemical substance used for killing pests, as insects, weeds, etc.phthiriophobiapediculophobia.polymorphismthe occurrence of several forms or colors in one species of insect. — polymorphous, adj.stridulation1. an action characteristic of some insects of producing a shrill, grating noise by chafing a serrated part of the body against a hard part.
2. the noise so produced. — stridulator, n.stridulant, stridulatory, adj.
vespiary1. a wasps’ nest.
2. a community or colony of wasps.
xenobiosiscommunal life, such as that of ants, in which colonies of different species live together but do not share the raising of the young. — xenobiotic, adj.




  1. Beetles and insects with legs like grass stems —Ernest Hemingway
  2. A big black ant, shaped like a dumbbell —John Gunther
  3. Black beetles … crawled in all directions like animated ink —Harold Adams
  4. Fireflies begin to rise … exactly like the bubbles in champagne —Elizabeth Bishop
  5. Fireflies dazzle the night like red pepper —W. P. Kinsella
  6. Fireflies glow like planets in the moist, silent darkness —W. P. Kinsella
  7. Fleas are, like the remainder of the universe, a divine mystery —Anatole France
  8. A fly is as untamable as a hyena —Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. Insects … crooned like old women —Stephen Crane
  10. Mosquitoes … as big as mulberries —William Styron
  11. Moths as large and white as our hands —James Crumley
  12. Nothing is so like a soul as a bee. It goes from flower to flower as a soul from star to star, and it gathers honey as a soul gathers light —Victor Hugo
  13. Spiders which floated like cameos in their jars —Pat Conroy
  14. Yellow butterflies flickered along the shade like flecks of sun —William Faulkner


What does it mean when you dream about insects?

A dream about insects indicates that something is “bugging” the dreamer, perhaps some person or condition in the person’s life.







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