Institut Métapsychique International
Institut Métapsychique International
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)Founded in 1918 by Jean Meyer, the French industrialist and enthusiastic follower of the teachings of Allen Kardec, the institute was located at 89 avenue Niel, Paris, France. (Meyer also founded the International Spiritualist Federation.) The Institute’s first director was Professor Gustave Geley (1868–1924), physician and psychical researcher who gave up his medical practice to become director of the institute. Members included Professor charles Richet, Camille Flammarion, and Sir Oliver Lodge. The institute invited men of science to witness the investigations they conducted with various mediums. When working with Eva C., for example, invitations were extended to a hundred notable psychical investigators.
The institute was most proud of its testing apparatus, including expensive infrared cameras able to take 1,000 pictures per second. However, the apparatus was so noisy that it turned out not to be practical. The institute was recognized by the French government as being “of public utility.” It had an excellent laboratory, reading room, lecture hall, and reception room. Reports on its activities were carried in La Revue Métapsychique.