institutional review board

Institutional Review Board

 a group of peers in a clinical setting that examines a research proposal to insure patient safety and addresses the ethics of the proposed study.

institutional review board (IRB),

the standing committee in a hospital or other facility that is charged with responsibility for ensuring the safety and well-being of human subjects involved in research (that is, research complies with ethical norms and values).

institutional review board

Medical ethics A review body of physicians and lay persons established or designated by an entity–eg, a university hospital or academic health care facility, to protect the safety and welfare of human subjects participating in biomedical or behavioral research; the IRB debates and approves or rejects research projects performed at the institution. See Ethics committee, Helsinki Declaration, Nuremburg code.

In·sti·tu·tion·al Re·view Board

(IRB) (in'sti-tū'shŭn-ăl rĕ-vyū' bōrd) The standing committee in a hospital or other facility that is charged with responsibility for ensuring the safety and well-being of human subjects involved in research.