

单词 group insurance

group insurance

group insurance

n. Insurance purchased by a group of persons, such as the employees of a company, often at a reduced individual rate.

group insurance

n (Insurance) chiefly US and Canadian insurance relating to life, health, or accident and covering several persons, esp the employees of a firm, under a single contract at reduced premiums

group′ insur`ance

n. life, accident, or health insurance available to a group of persons, as the employees of a company, under a single contract. [1910–15]
Noun1.group insurance - insurance that is purchased by a group (such as the employees of a company) usually at a reduced rate to individual members of the groupinsurance - promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company

group insurance

group insurance:

see insuranceinsurance
or assurance,
device for indemnifying or guaranteeing an individual against loss. Reimbursement is made from a fund to which many individuals exposed to the same risk have contributed certain specified amounts, called premiums.
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 [gro̳p] 1. an assemblage of objects having certain things in common.2. a number of atoms forming a recognizable and usually transferable portion of a molecule.activity g's groups of individuals with similar needs for occupational therapy who are working on the correction of problems that they hold in common.azo group the bivalent radical, -N=N-.blood group see blood group.control group see control (def. 3).Diagnosis-Related G's see diagnosis-related groups.encounter group a sensitivity group in which the members strive to gain emotional rather than intellectual insight, with emphasis on the expression of interpersonal feelings in the group situation.focus g's individuals with a common interest who meet to explore a problem in depth.PLT group [psittacosis-lymphogranuloma venereum-trachoma] alternative name for genus Chlamydia.prosthetic group 1. an organic radical, nonprotein in nature, which together with a protein carrier forms an enzyme.2. a cofactor tightly bound to an enzyme, i.e., it is an integral part of the enzyme and not readily dissociated from it.3. a cofactor that may reversibly dissociate from the protein component of an enzyme; a coenzyme.sensitivity group (sensitivity training group) a nonclinical group intended for persons without severe emotional problems, focusing on self-awareness, self-understanding, and interpersonal interactions and aiming to develop skills in leadership, management, counseling, or other roles. Called also T-group and training group.support group 1. a group made up of individuals with a common problem, usually meeting to express feelings, vent frustrations, and explore effective coping strategies. Education is a component of some support groups.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the use of a group environment to provide emotional support and health-related information for members.support group (omaha) in the omaha system, regular planned gatherings to accomplish some compatible goal.T-group sensitivity group.group therapy a form of psychotherapy in which a group of patients meets regularly with a group leader, usually a therapist. The group may be balanced, having patients with diverse problems and attitudes, or it may be composed of patients who all have similar diagnoses or issues to resolve. In some groups, patients may be basically mentally healthy but trying to work through external stressors, such as job loss, natural disasters, or physical illness. Self-help groups are groups of people with a commonality of diagnosis (e.g., alcoholism, overeating, or a particular chronic physical illness) or of experience (e.g., rape, incest) and a leader who may be not a therapist but rather one who has experienced a similar problem or situation.
From hearing how the group leader or other members feel about this behavior, the patient may gain insight into his or her anxieties and conflicts. The group may provide emotional support for self-revelation and a structured environment for trying out new ways of relating to people. In contrast, there are other groups that focus on altering behavior, with less or minimal attention paid to gaining insight into the causes of the problems.
therapy group in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the application of psychotherapeutic techniques to a group, including the utilization of interactions between members of the group. See also group therapy" >group therapy.training group sensitivity group.


(grūp), 1. A number of similar or related objects. 2. In chemistry, a radical. For individual chemical groups, see the specific name.


Health insurance The coverage of a number of individuals under one contract; the most common "group" is employees of the same employer. See Employer group Medicare Two or more physicians, non-physician practitioners, or other health care providers/suppliers who form a practice together–as authorized by state law–and bill Medicare as a unit. See Independent group, Multispecialty group Vox populi A collection of related things. See Alkyl group, Ambulatory patient group, Andover Working group, Blood group, Carboxyl group, Clinical Context Object Workgroup, Clinical cooperative group, Control group, Cooperative group, DRG group, Encounter group, Ethnic group, Experiential group, Exposed group, Five food group, Food group, Four food group, HACEK group, Health Information & Application Working group, High risk group, Hyperchromatic crowded group, Incompatibility group, Initial review group, Jackson Hole group, JPEG group, MedisGroup, MLS group, New drug studies group, Newsgroup, P blood group, Resource utilization group, Scientific review group, Sensitivity group, Self-help group, Social group, Support group, Treatment group.


(grūp) 1. A number of similar or related objects. 2. chemistry A radical.


a collection of closely related taxa (see TAXON), particularly an assemblage of closely related species.


(grūp) 1. A number of similar or related objects. 2. In chemistry, a radical.

Patient discussion about group

Q. How can I go about finding a free depression support group where I live? would like to find a depression support group in my area. How do I go about finding one? Google searches are turning up nothing.A. Call the help desk or receptionist of your local or nearest hospital or medical clinic.
You could go to an AA meeting in your local community. A lot of people there are depressed. That's what those meetings do for people, they are a support group.
You could also start one and put a community notice in your local paper.
Get together with others you trust and talk.
Call home and talk.
Find a friend and talk.
I pray. God listens.

Q. where would i find support groups for Ex alcoholic people? A. web site for alcoholic anonymous/narcotics anonymouse/--in the rooms.com--join a group.

Q. Hi Everybody. I wanted to welcome Lixurion999 to our group. He is a new members on imedix, but from chatting with him and reading his answers in the last two days I think he's a great ocntribution to the community. Please take a minute and welcome him and introduce him to the group. You know how it is when you're the new kid on the block right? Have a great day and check the site soon as I have a suprise for all of you that I think you'll like (Jenn - you know what I mean...)A. Thank you Jenn for what you said. I can't wait for the new discussion board to go live.

More discussions about group

Group insurance

Group insurance

Insurance coverage for a group, which can usually be obtained at a cheaper rate than insurance for an individual.

Group Insurance

Insurance provided to a whole number of people who negotiate collectively. Group insurance is thought to provide better insurance at a lower rate to members of the group because the insurer is able to spread its risk over a larger number of people that it otherwise would be able to do. Unions and other trade groups often procure group insurance policies.

group insurance

  • noun

Words related to group insurance

noun insurance that is purchased by a group (such as the employees of a company) usually at a reduced rate to individual members of the group

Related Words

  • insurance




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