bacterial endarteritis

bac·te·ri·al end·ar·te·ri·tis

implantation and growth of bacteria with formation of vegetations on the arterial wall, such as may occur in a patent ductus arteriosus or arteriovenous fistula.

bac·te·ri·al end·ar·ter·i·tis

(bak-tēr'ē-ăl end'ahr-tĕr-ī'tis) Implantation and growth of bacteria with formation of vegetations on the arterial wall, such as may occur in a patent ductus arteriosus or arteriovenous fistula.

bac·te·ri·al end·ar·ter·i·tis

(bak-tēr'ē-ăl end'ahr-tĕr-ī'tis) Implantation and growth of bacteria with formation of vegetation on the arterial wall.