Humboldt Lagoons State Park

Humboldt Lagoons State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:On US Highway 101, 40 miles north of Eureka and 55 miles south of Crescent City.
Facilities:Boat-in and environmental campsites, picnic areas, hiking trails, boat ramps, visitor center, bookstore.
Activities:Camping, fishing, boating, hiking, beachcombing, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Humboldt Lagoons State Park and the adjacent Harry A. Merlo SRA (seeseparate entry) include three lagoons. Dry Lagoon was drained forfarmland in the early 1900s, and Stone Lagoon was the site of dairyfarms. Today the marshland habitat has returned and supports a richvariety of marsh plants, birds, and other animals. The beach here providesaccess to six miles of beachcombing, bird watching, whale watching, andagate hunting, or visitors can bring their own boats and explore thelagoon.
Address:c/o North Coast Redwoods District Office
PO Box 2006
Eureka, CA 95502

Size: 2,217 acres.

See other parks in California.