释义 |
hemi-(word root) halfExamples of words with the root hemi-: hemispherehemi-pref.1. Half: hemihedral.2. Partial; partially: hemiparasite. [Greek hēmi-; see sēmi- in Indo-European roots.]hemi- prefix half: hemicycle; hemisphere. Compare demi-1, semi-1 [from Latin, from Greek hēmi-]hemi- a combining form meaning “half”: hemimorphic. [< Greek hēmi- half, c. Latin sēmi- semi-] hemi- A prefix meaning "half," as in hemisphere, half a sphere.hemi-
hemi-[′he·mē] (biology) Prefix for half. Prefix denoting one side of the body. hemi-
hemi- word element [Gr.], half.hemi- (hem'ē), Do not confuse this prefix with the combining form hem(o).One-half. Compare: semi-. [G.] hemi- prefix, Latin, halfhemi- Combining form meaning one half. Compare: semi-[G.]hemi- Combining form denoting half. From the Greek hemi .hemi- prefix denoting half.HEMI-
Acronym | Definition |
HEMI-➣Half (Prefix) |