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he·ma·tox·y·lin H0142200 (hē′mə-tŏk′sə-lĭn)n. A yellow or red crystalline compound, C16H14O6·3H2O, the coloring material of logwood, that is used in dyes, inks, and stains. [New Latin Haematoxylon, a genus of plants (Greek haimato-, hemato- + Greek xylon, wood) + -in.]he•ma•tox•y•lin (ˌhi məˈtɒk sə lɪn) n. a colorless or pale yellow, crystalline compound, C16H14O6•3H2O, the coloring material of logwood: used as a mordant dye and as an indicator. [1840–50; hemato- + Greek xýl(on) wood + -in1] he`ma•tox•yl′ic (-ˈsɪl ɪk) adj. HematoxylinenUK
hematoxylin[‚hē·mə′täk·sə·lən] (organic chemistry) C16H14O6 A colorless, crystalline compound occurring in hematoxylon; upon oxidation, it is converted to hematein which forms deeply colored lakes with various metals; used as a stain in microscopy. Hematoxylin a dye used in microscopy for staining plant and animal tissues. Hematoxylin is extracted by ether from the colored wood of the logwood tree, which is native to Central America and the Antilles Islands. In the course of its preparation for use in microscopy, the substance is “matured,” or oxidized to hematein, which stains cell nuclei, chromosomes, and cell membranes a blue or blue-black color. REFERENCERomeis, B. Mikroskopicheskaia tekhnika. Moscow, 1953. (Translated from German.)hematoxylinenUK
hematoxylin [he″mah-tok´sĭ-lin] an acid coloring matter obtained from the wood of a tree (Haematoxylon campechianum); used as a stain for histologic specimens and as an indicator.he·ma·tox·y·lin (hē'mă-toks'i-lin, hem-ă-), [C.I. 75290] A crystalline compound, containing the coloring matter of Haematoxylon campechianum (logwood). It is used as a dye in histology, especially for cell nuclei and chromosomes, muscle cross-striations, and enterochromaffin cells; its staining properties depend on its oxidation to hematein and mordanting with chrome and iron alums. It is also used as an indicator (red to yellow at pH 0 to 1, yellow to violet at pH 5 to 6).hematoxylin (hē′mə-tŏk′sə-lĭn)n. A yellow or red crystalline compound, C16H14O6·3H2O, the coloring material of logwood, that is used in dyes, inks, and stains.he·ma·tox·y·lin (hē'mă-toks'i-lin) [CI 75290] A crystalline compound containing the coloring matter of Haematoxylon campechianum (logwood), from which it is obtained by extraction with ether. It is used as a dye in histology, especially for cell nuclei and chromosomes, muscle cross-striations, and enterochromaffin cells, and as an indicator (red to yellow at pH 0.0-1.0, yellow to violet at pH 5.0-6.0). Synonym(s): haematoxylin. he·ma·tox·y·lin (hē'mă-toks'i-lin) [CI 75290] A crystalline compound containing the coloring matter of Haematoxylon campechianum (logwood), from which it is obtained by extraction with ether. Synonym(s): haematoxylin. |