Higher Komsomol School
Higher Komsomol School
an institution of higher education attached to the Central Committee of the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League (VLKSM); the school trains cadres for work in komsomol organizations and zonal and republic komsomol schools, for editorial work in youth newspapers, radio, and television, and for other occupations. The Higher Komsomol School was opened in 1969 on the basis of the Central Komsomol School, founded in 1945 and also attached to the Central Committee of the VLKSM. Admission to the Higher Komsomol School operates according to the recommendations of the central committees of the komsomol organizations of the Union republics and of provincial and regional komsomol organizations.
As of 1970, the Higher Komsomol School had departments of history and communist education (a four-year course of study requiring completion of secondary school) and komsomol work (a two-year course of study requiring a higher education for admission); a graduate program; 14 subdepartments (among them subdepartments of the theory and practice of komsomol work, history of the Komsomol, mass-political and cultural-educational work, and Pioneer work); a scientific-research laboratory for concrete sociological research, for generalization and analysis of information (with a computer center) and for the history of the komsomol; a sports complex, with a stadium, swimming pool, summer sports camp, and other facilities; and a library (over 300,000 volumes). In 1970, about 150 teachers worked in the Higher Komsomol School, among them nine professors and doctors of science and 80 assistant professors and candidates of science (Honored Test Pilot of the USSR G. K. Mosolov, a Hero of the Soviet Union, heads the subdepartment of military and patriotic education). The graduates of the departments of history and communist education defend their final projects, take state examinations, and receive diplomas qualifying them to teach history and introduction to social studies and the methods of communist education.