Ignatev, Varnava
Ignat’ev, Varnava Efimovich
Born 1867 in Penza; died May 5, 1927, in Moscow. Soviet scientist in the field of child and adolescent hygiene (school hygiene). Student of F. F. Erisman.
Ignat’ev graduated from Moscow University in 1882 and worked as a physician at the Moscow Foundling Hospital. From 1886 he was an assistant and then an assistant professor of the hygiene subdepartment at Moscow University; from 1903 he was a doctor of sciences. In 1911 he left the university in protest against the reactionary policies of Minister L. A. Kasso. He was one of the organizers of the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and its director from 1918 to 1923. He headed the sub-department of school hygiene at the Moscow Pedagogic Institute. He was a consultant on problems of school hygiene and physical education at the People’s Commissariat of Public Health and the People’s Commissariat of Education.
Ignat’ev’s works dealt with problems of the physical development and training of children and of the organization of hygienic services for people’s forest schools and summer children’s colonies. The sanitary norms he established for designing school buildings and their equipment are the basis for present-day hygienic requirements for their construction.
Trebovaniia shkol’noi gigieny pri postroike shkol’nykh zdanii i klassnykh pomeshchenii dlia narodnykh shkol. Moscow, 1902.Shkoly v lesu, ikh organizatsiia i sovremennoe sostoianie. Moscow, 1913.
Osnovy fizicheskoi kul’tury, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1927.
Issledovanie fizicheskogo razvitiia cheloveka doshkoVnogo, shkolnogo i prizyvnogo vozrastov, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1927.
Felitis, N. “Professor V. E. Ignat’ev” (obituary). Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul’tury, 1927, no. 6.Gonin, Iu. G. “V. E. Ignat’ev kak deiatel’ fizicheskoi kul’tury.” Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul’tury, 1951, no. 5.