Havránek, Bohuslav

Havránek, Bohuslav


Born Jan. 30, 1893, in Prague. Czech linguist and Slavist; academician of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.

Havránek became a professor at the University of Brno in 1929 and at Charles University in Prague in 1945. He made a large contribution to the development of the functional and structural linguistic theory of the Prague School. Havránek studied the Czech language in various aspects. He wrote works on comparative grammar and the comparative historical study of Slavic literary languages. Havránek is editor of the scholarly journals Slavia, Slovo a slovesnost, and Naše řeč. He was awarded the State Prize of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in 1957.


“Vývoj spisovného jazyka českého.” In Československá vlastivĕda, series 2, part 2. Prague, 1936.
“Nářečí česká.” In československá vlastivĕda, series 2, part 3. Prague, 1934.
Genera verbi v slovanských jazycich, parts 1-2. Prague, 1928-37.
Studie o spisovném jazyce. Prague, 1963.
česká mluvnice, 2nd ed. Prague, 1963. (Jointly with A. Jedlička.)


Prazhskii lingvisticheskii kruzhok. Moscow, 1967.