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Hamman sign Ham·man sign (ham'ăn), a crunching, rasping sound, synchronous with heart beat, heard over the precordium and sometimes at a distance from the chest in mediastinal emphysema.Hamman sign A substernal crepitance, which is typically synchronous with the heartbeat, caused by percolation of air into the mediastinum.Hamman sign Physical exam A crunching sound synchronous with heartbeat, which may be heard in Pts with mediastinal emphysema, pneumopericardiumHam·man sign (ham'ăn sīn) A crunching, rasping sound, synchronous with heart beat, heard over the precordium and sometimes at a distance from the chest in mediastinal emphysema Also known as Hamman crunch. Synonym(s): Hamman murmur. Hamman, Louis, U.S. physician, 1877-1946. Hamman crunchHamman disease - Synonym(s): Hamman syndromeHamman murmur - Synonym(s): Hamman signHamman sign - a crunching, rasping sound, synchronous with heartbeat, heard over the precordium and sometimes at a distance from the chest in mediastinal emphysema. Synonym(s): Hamman murmurHamman syndrome - spontaneous mediastinal emphysema, resulting from rupture of alveoli. Synonym(s): Hamman diseaseHamman-Rich syndrome - Synonym(s): usual interstitial pneumonia of Liebow |