

单词 hl



abbr. House of Lords


abbr. hectoliter


symbol for (Units) hectolitre


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) House of Lords




House of Lords.
Noun1.hl - a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 100 litershectoliter, hectolitremetric capacity unit - a capacity unit defined in metric termsdal, decaliter, decalitre, dekaliter, dekalitre, dkl - a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 10 literscubic meter, cubic metre, kiloliter, kilolitre - a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 1000 liters



(mechanics) hectoliter



(mechanics) hectoliter



 [hi″per-o´pe-ah] a defect of vision" >vision in which parallel light rays reaching the eye come to focus behind the retina, vision being better for distant objects than for near. Called also farsightedness.
Most children are born with some degree of farsightedness. As the child grows this decreases and usually disappears by the age of 8 years. If the child is excessively farsighted, however, the constant effort to focus may cause headaches and fatigue. Eyeglasses used to correct hyperopia are convex; that is, they bend the light rays toward the center, helping the lens of the eye to focus them on the retina.Refraction and correction in hyperopia. From Ignatavicius and Workman, 2002.


A gene on chromosome 3q28-q29 that encodes a DNA-binding repressor of genes that require a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) for their transcription. This transcription repression requires the formation of a complex with a co-repressor protein of the Groucho/TLE family. HES1 is thought to downregulate myogenesis by inhibiting the functions of MYOD1 and ASH1, and may play a role in a functional FA core complex response to DNA cross-link damage.



 [hi″per-o´pe-ah] a defect of vision" >vision in which parallel light rays reaching the eye come to focus behind the retina, vision being better for distant objects than for near. Called also farsightedness.
Most children are born with some degree of farsightedness. As the child grows this decreases and usually disappears by the age of 8 years. If the child is excessively farsighted, however, the constant effort to focus may cause headaches and fatigue. Eyeglasses used to correct hyperopia are convex; that is, they bend the light rays toward the center, helping the lens of the eye to focus them on the retina.Refraction and correction in hyperopia. From Ignatavicius and Workman, 2002.


A gene on chromosome 3q28-q29 that encodes a DNA-binding repressor of genes that require a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) for their transcription. This transcription repression requires the formation of a complex with a co-repressor protein of the Groucho/TLE family. HES1 is thought to downregulate myogenesis by inhibiting the functions of MYOD1 and ASH1, and may play a role in a functional FA core complex response to DNA cross-link damage.


HLHalf Life
HLHigh Level
HLHigher Level (course)
HLHouse of Lords
HLHockey League
HLHearing Loss
HLHugh Laurie (actor)
HLHeilig (German: Holy)
HLHot Line
HLHighlander (cartoon)
HLHorizon League (formerly Midwest Collegiate College)
HLHeath Ledger (actor)
HLHealthy Living
HLHeavy Lift
HLHoliday Lights
HLHasta Luego
HLHellgate London (videogame)
HLHansestadt Lübeck (architects; Germany)
HLHumane Letters
HLHoulihan Lokey (Los Angeles, CA)
HLHit List
HLHard Labor
HLHydrogen Line
HLHorseland (game)
HLHuey Lewis
HLHigh Land
HLHinge Line
HLHoc Loco (Latin: In This Place, epigraphy)
HLHearing Level
HLHalbleiter (German: semiconductor)
HLHigh Limit
HLHead Lines
HLHome Leave
HLHeel Line
HLHead Librarian
HLHeparin Lock (catheter attachment)
HLHydrated Lime
HLHoliday Leave
HLHead Linesman (football)
HLHepatic Triglyceride Lipase
HLHospitality and Leisure
HLHannoversche Leben (German Life Insurance Company)
HLHired Labor (USACE)
HLHigh Temperature Limit
HLHypotenuse Leg (geometry)
HLHepatic Lipidosis
HLHumerus Length (fetal)
HLHospitalisation Libre (French)
HLHysteresis Loss
HLHall Lantern (elevators)
HLHochleistungsmotor (German: High-speed engine)
HLHac Lege (Latin: According to This Law, epigraphy)
HLHonolulu Laboratory
HLHunt Library (Carnegie Mellon University)
HLHundred Liters
HLHogwartslive (Harry Potter game)
HLHydraulic Length
HLLatent Hypermetropia
HLHierarchical Leader-based (routing scheme)
HLLouro Quer Bolacha (Portugal)
HLHarmonie Laval (Laval, Quebec, Canada)


  • noun

Synonyms for hl

noun a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 100 liters


  • hectoliter
  • hectolitre

Related Words

  • metric capacity unit
  • dal
  • decaliter
  • decalitre
  • dekaliter
  • dekalitre
  • dkl
  • cubic meter
  • cubic metre
  • kiloliter
  • kilolitre




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