Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge

Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:21212 210th St
Audubon, MN 56511

Web: www.fws.gov/midwest/hamdenslough
Established: 1989.
Location:One mile northeast of Audubon, Minnesota.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, viewing sites, hiking trails.
Activities:Hiking, wildlife observation, educational programs.
Special Features:The goal of Hamden Slough NWR is to reestablish almost 6,000 acres of prairie wetland ecosystem. Early restoration efforts have already had a dramatic effect, with tremendous increases in bird diversity and abundance.
Habitats: 3,170 acres of rolling hills, grasslands, and small wetlands. A total of 5,944 acres are planned for acquision, and an additional 2,600 acres will be leased from private landowners.
Access: Open year round during daylight hours.
Wild life: More than 219 species of birds, among them Le Conte's sparrow, American avocet, sedge wren, American bittern, bald eagle, harriers, hawks, and merlins.

See other parks in Minnesota.