

单词 iae



In any event



An initialism for "in any event," meaning regardless of what happens or what the circumstances are. Her note just said, "Transfer the funds IAE," so I guess we better do it.


and IAC interj. in any event; in any case. (Initialisms. Used in electronic mail and computer forum or news group messages. Not pronounced aloud.) I will be there IAC.


IAEInstitut d'Administration des Entreprises (France)
IAEInstitute of Applied Energy (Japan)
IAEImpuesto de Actividades Económicas
IAEInternational Aero Engines
IAEIntegrated Acquisition Environment
IAEInstitute of Advanced Energy (Kyoto University; Japan)
IAEIn Any Event
IAEInstitution of Automotive Engineers
IAEInvalid Attempt to Escape
IAEInstitute of Aeronautics and Engineering (India)
IAEInstituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (Portuguese: Aeronautics and Space Institute; Brazil)
IAEInstituto de Atividades Espaciais (Spanish: Institute for Space Activities)
IAEIntelligent Auto Exposure (cameras)
IAEInflatable Antenna Experiment
IAEInstitute of Agricultural Economics
IAEInternational Association of Egyptologists
IAEInternational Academy of the Environment (Switzerland)
IAEInstructional Assessment and Evaluation (education)
IAEIntegral Absolute Error
IAEInstitute for Agricultural Engineering (Indonesia)
IAEIsuzu Automotive Europe GmbH (Germany)
IAEImmunoaffinity Extraction
IAEInstant Arcane Explosion (gaming, World of Warcraft)
IAEIntegrated Application Environment(s)
IAEInternationale Energie Agentschap (Dutch: International Energy Agency)
IAEIntegrated Aircrew Ensemble
IAEInstitution of Agricultural Engineers
IAEInstrumentation and Electrical
IAEIndirect Account Executive
IAEInfrared Anomalous Emitter
IAEInstitute of Australian Education (Medlands, WA, Australia)
IAEInternationally-Acclaimed Expert
IAEIllinois Ancestor Exchange
IAEInherent Availability of Equipment
IAEInternal Audits and Evaluation
IAEInterface Adapter Element (mainframes)
IAEInternet Application Environment
IAEIntermittent Altitude Exposure




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