Howship lacunae

How·ship la·cu·nae

(how'ship), tiny depressions, pits, or irregular grooves in bone that is being resorbed by osteoclasts. Synonym(s): resorption lacunae

How·ship la·cu·nae

(how'ship lă-kū'nē) Tiny depressions, pits, or irregular grooves in bone that is being resorbed by osteoclasts.
Synonym(s): resorption lacunae.


John, English surgeon, 1781-1841. Howship lacunae - tiny depressions, pits, or irregular grooves in bone that are being resorbed by osteoclasts. Synonym(s): resorption lacunaeRomberg-Howship symptom - see under Romberg, Moritz Heinrich von

How·ship la·cu·nae

(how'ship lă-kū'nē) Tiny depressions, pits, or irregular grooves in bone that is being resorbed by osteoclasts.