

(language)(Hal/Shuttle) A real-time high-level languagefor flight control applications. Hal was developed for NASAby Intermetrics, Inc. in the 1970s for on-board software.The initial version was a Fortran preprocessor, written inFortran. In 1972, as the space shuttle project advanced, thelanguage was renamed Hal/S and made more adaptable toarchitecture of different computers by using XPL. In all,11 different implementations, mostly based on IBM 360, werecreated. Applications also included projects by JPL(Galileo probe, Deep Space network).

["Two-Dimensional Characteristics of HAL, A Language forSpaceflight Applications", J.S. Miller, SIGPLAN Notices 7(10),Oct 1972].

["Space Station Flight Software: Hal/S or Ada?", AllanR. Klumpp, "Computer", March 1985].