IACHIrwin Army Community Hospital (US Army; Fort Riley, Kansas)
IACHIreland Army Community Hospital (US Army; Fort Knox, KY)
IACHInstitute of Analytical Chemistry (Czech Republic)
IACHInternational Association of Counseling Hypnotherapists
IACHInteragency Council on Homelessness
IACHInternational Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy
IACHIndo-American Cultural Heritage
IACHIsraeli Association for Classical Homeopathy (Jerusalem, Israel)
IACHInternational Academy for Classical Homeopathy
IACHInternational Automated Clearing House (banking)
IACHIntegrated Approaches to Child Health
IACHInstitute of Advanced Crystal Healers
IACHInternational Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
IACHInternational Alliance of Certified Hypnotists
IACHInter-American Coal Holding NV (Aruba)
IACHIowa Chapter
IACHInteragency Council for the Homeless