

单词 halo effect

halo effect

halo effect

n. An effect whereby the perception of positive qualities in one thing or part gives rise to the perception of similar qualities in related things or in the whole: "Congenial surroundings or service at a restaurant can sometimes create a halo effect for the food" (M.H. Reed).

halo effect

n 1. (Psychology) See horns and halo effect 2. (Commerce) the beneficial effect on sales of a company's range of products produced by the popularity or high profile of one particular product

ha′lo effect`

n. a potential inaccuracy in estimation or judgment, esp. of a person, due to a tendency to overgeneralize from a single salient feature or action, usu. in a favorable direction. [1925–30]

halo effect

halo effect

[′hā·lō i‚fekt] (industrial engineering) A tendency when rating a person in regard to a specific trait to be influenced by a general impression or by another trait of the person.

halo effect

ha·lo ef·fect

1. the effect (usually beneficial) that the manner, attention, and caring of a provider have on a patient during a medical encounter, regardless of which medical procedure or services the encounter involves; 2. the influence on an observation of the observer's perception of the characteristics of the person observed (other than the characteristics under study) or the influence of the observer's recollection or knowledge of findings on a previous occasion.
The beneficial effect of a physician or other health care provider on a patient during a medical encounter, regardless of the therapy or procedure provided

halo effect

The beneficial effect of a physician or other health care provider on a Pt during a medical encounter, regardless of the therapy or procedure provided. See Hawthorne effect, Placebo effect, Physician invincibility syndrome.

ha·lo ef·fect

(hā'lō e-fekt') 1. The usually beneficial effect that the manner, attention, and caring of a provider have on a patient during a medical encounter, regardless of which medical procedure or services the encounter involves. 2. The influence on an observation of the observer's perception of the characteristics of the person observed (other than the characteristics under study) or the influence of the observer's recollection or knowledge of findings on a previous occasion.

halo effect

Halo Effect

In psychology, the concept that persons with one positive quality are perceived as having multiple positive qualities. For example, an attractive person may be thought to be more intelligent than he/she really is. In business, the halo effect is seen when one popular product from a company improves sales for other products.

‘halo effect’

the regarding of an individual by others, especially his or her superiors, as especially good at his or her job. The reality may be different but, because the belief is strongly held, any shortcomings may not be perceived. Those employees who have the halo effect often achieve rapid promotion, with the result that their occupancy of particular job roles may be brief. Any aspects of their performance which are not satisfactory may not come to light for some time, hence the halo effect remains undiminished. However, those with this attribute often attract resentment from their more discerning colleagues. The opposite of the halo effect is the horns effect, where an employee is viewed badly whatever his or her actual performance. See PETER PRINCIPLE.




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