hydrogen peroxide enterocolitis

hydrogen peroxide enterocolitis

Hydrogen peroxide enteritis An inflammatory response of the intestinal mucosa to varying concentrations of H2O2, which causes mucosal damage and contact injury Etiology H2O2 enemas for various clinical indications–eg, removal inspissated meconium, ID of rectovaginal fistulae, and treatment of constipation and fecal impaction; H2O2 may be used by radiologists to help eliminate gas from the intestine during diagnostic procedures Endoscopy HPE may mimic acute ulcerative colitis, ischemic colitis, and pseudomembranous colitis Prognosis Ranges from reversible and self-limited to toxic fulminant ulcerating colitis associated with perforation and death. See Colon therapy, Enteroclysis, Hydrogen peroxide therapy, Snow white sign.