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Howell-Jolly bodies
Howell-Jolly bodies[′hau̇·əl ′jäl·ē ‚bäd·ēz] (pathology) Small, round basophilic inclusions of nuclear material in erythrocytes of splenectomized persons. Howell-Jolly bodies
How·ell-Jol·ly bod·ies (how'ĕl zhō-lē'), spheric or ovoid eccentrically located granules, approximately 1 mcm in diameter, occasionally observed in the stroma of circulating erythrocytes, especially in stained preparations (as compared with wet unstained films); probably represent nuclear remnants, staining with dyes that are rather specific for chromatin; the significance of the bodies is not exactly known; they occur most frequently after splenectomy or in megaloblastic or severe hemolytic anemia. Synonym(s): Jolly bodiesHow·ell-Jol·ly bo·dies (how'ĕl zhō-lē' bod'ēz) Spheric or ovoid eccentrically located granules, approximately 1 mcm in diameter, occasionally observed in the stroma of circulating erythrocytes after splenectomy or in megaloblastic or severe hemolytic anemia. Howell, William, U.S. physiologist, 1860-1945. Howell-Jolly bodies - spherical or ovoid eccentrically located granules occasionally observed in the stroma of circulating erythrocytes that occur most frequently after splenectomy or in megaloblastic or severe hemolytic anemia. Synonym(s): Jolly bodiesHowell unit - equivalent approximately to 0.002 mg of pure heparin. Synonym(s): heparin unit
Jolly, Justin, French histologist, 1870-1953. Howell-Jolly bodies - see under HowellJolly bodies - Synonym(s): Howell-Jolly bodies |