Helmholtz theory of accommodation

Helm·holtz the·o·ry of ac·com·mo·da·tion

(helm'hōltz), that the ciliary muscle relaxes for near vision and allows the anterior aspect of the lens to become more convex.


Hermann L.F. von, German physician, physicist, and physiologist, 1821-1894. Gibbs-Helmholtz equation - see under GibbsHelmholtz axis ligament - a ligament forming the axis about which the malleus rotates. Synonym(s): axis ligament of malleusHelmholtz coilHelmholtz energy - energy equivalent to the internal energy minus the entropy contribution.Helmholtz keratometerHelmholtz ophthalmoscopeHelmholtz theory of accommodation - the ciliary muscle relaxes for near vision and allows the anterior aspect of the lens to become more convex.Helmholtz theory of color vision - Synonym(s): Young-Helmholtz theory of color visionHelmholtz theory of hearing - that the basilar membrane of the cochlea acts as a resonating structure, recording low tones from its apical turns and high tones from its basal turns. Synonym(s): resonance theory of hearingHelmholtz-Gibbs theory - Synonym(s): Gibbs-Helmholtz equationYoung-Helmholtz theory of color vision - see under Young, Thomas