human menopausal gonadotropin

hu·man men·o·pau·sal go·nad·o·tro·pin (HMG, hMG),

a hormone of pituitary originally obtained from the urine of postmenopausal women now produced synthetically; used to induce ovulation.
See also: menotropins.

hu·man men·o·pau·sal go·nad·o·tro·pin

(hyū'măn men'ŏ-paw'zăl gō-nad'ō-trō'pin) A pituitary hormone originally obtained from the urine of postmenopausal women but now produced synthetically; used to induce ovulation.
See also: menotropins
Compare: bioregulator

human menopausal gonadotropin

Abbreviation: hMG
A purified form of the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH; it may be used therapeutically to treat infertility, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, polycystic ovary disease, and other conditions. In the management of infertility, it is particularly used for women with ovulatory difficulties, in whom it stimulates follicular growth and maturation, ovulation, and development of the corpus luteum. See also: gonadotropin