Acronym | Definition |
IA➣Iowa (US postal abbreviation) |
IA➣Internet Archive |
IA➣Interactive |
IA➣Information Assurance |
IA➣Information Architecture |
IA➣International Airport |
IA➣Intel Architecture |
IA➣Impact Assessment |
IA➣In and Around |
IA➣International Affairs |
IA➣Internet Access |
IA➣International Academy |
IA➣Industrial Automation (Star Wars, company who made R2-D2) |
IA➣Internal Affairs |
IA➣Investment Advisor |
IA➣Individual Assistance (US DHS/FEMA) |
IA➣Inter Alia (Latin: among other things) |
IA➣Internal Audit |
IA➣Irrigation Association |
IA➣Italian American |
IA➣Impact Analysis |
IA➣Immediate Action (Military) |
IA➣International Agreement |
IA➣Intangible Assets |
IA➣Inspection Académique (France) |
IA➣Internet Appliance |
IA➣Inspection Authorization |
IA➣Individual Account |
IA➣Inter-Agency |
IA➣Illegal alien |
IA➣Initial Assessment |
IA➣Instruction and Assessment |
IA➣Intelligent Agent |
IA➣Implementation Agreement |
IA➣Indian Airlines |
IA➣Independent Agencies |
IA➣Immunoassay |
IA➣Institutional Advancement (various schools) |
IA➣Intelligence Artificielle (French) |
IA➣Investment Analysis |
IA➣Isaac Asimov (author) |
IA➣Identification and Authentication |
IA➣Indian Army |
IA➣Im Auftrag (German: By Order) |
IA➣Inshallah (God willing) |
IA➣Internal Assessment (International Baccalaureate testing) |
IA➣Initial Attack (firefighting) |
IA➣Independent Amount |
IA➣Instructional Assistant |
IA➣Industry Automation |
IA➣Intelligence Analyst |
IA➣In Absentia (Latin: On Behalf of and in the Absence Of) |
IA➣Information Assistance |
IA➣Implementing Agency |
IA➣Invasive Aspergillosis |
IA➣Intraarterial |
IA➣Individual Augmentee |
IA➣Interagency Agreement |
IA➣Independent Assessment |
IA➣Interfaith Alliance |
IA➣Institute of Astronomy |
IA➣Initial Appointment |
IA➣Imperial Army (gaming) |
IA➣Internet Audio |
IA➣Institute of Aging |
IA➣India Abroad (newspaper) |
IA➣Information Asset |
IA➣Information Analyst |
IA➣Italian Army |
IA➣Industrial Archaeology |
IA➣Instantly Available |
IA➣International Alert (UK peacebuilding organization) |
IA➣Information Appliance |
IA➣Interface Adapter |
IA➣Installment Agreement |
IA➣Intelligence Assessment |
IA➣Investment Agreement |
IA➣Intruder Alert |
IA➣Iraqi Airways (IATA airline code) |
IA➣Issuing Agency |
IA➣Intelligent Application |
IA➣Initial Action |
IA➣Imperial Academy (Star Wars) |
IA➣Interval Arithmetic |
IA➣Incentive Award |
IA➣International Alphabet |
IA➣Instrumentation Amplifier |
IA➣Individual Augmentation |
IA➣Interface Analysis |
IA➣Intelligence Amplification |
IA➣Inspection Administration |
IA➣Initial Appraisal (USACE) |
IA➣Industrial Attachment |
IA➣Internet Alliance |
IA➣Instrument Airplane |
IA➣Imperial Age |
IA➣Island Alliance (Boston, Massachusetts) |
IA➣It's Academic |
IA➣Incremental Analysis |
IA➣Ion-Acoustic |
IA➣Integrity Agreement |
IA➣Industrial Affiliates |
IA➣Interface Architect |
IA➣Initial Authorization |
IA➣Internal Alarm |
IA➣Information Attack |
IA➣Implementing Arrangement |
IA➣Impulse Approximation (electron momentum density) |
IA➣Implementing Agent |
IA➣Infamous Adventures (gaming website) |
IA➣Invasion America (Dreamworks TV Series) |
IA➣Integrated Agent |
IA➣Interstellar Alliance (Babylon 5) |
IA➣Imperator Augustus (Latin: Emperor Augustus, epigraphy) |
IA➣Intermediate Agent (networking) |
IA➣Interoperability Agreement |
IA➣Irrigation/Aspiration (medical procedures) |
IA➣Instructor/Advisor |
IA➣Institutional Adaptation (US Army) |
IA➣Ineffective Attempt |
IA➣Interface Agreement |
IA➣Input Axis |
IA➣Indicated Altitude |
IA➣Interim Accreditation |
IA➣Indian Airways |
IA➣Installation Assessment |
IA➣Investigative Analyst |
IA➣Inhalation Anaesthetics (pharmaceutical industry) |
IA➣Instituti Albanologjik (Albanological Institute, Kosova) |
IA➣Image Amplifier |
IA➣Impedance Angle |
IA➣Inherent Availability |
IA➣Internet Aid |
IA➣Interior Alliance (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) |
IA➣Instable Angina (cardiology) |
IA➣Irritant Agent |
IA➣Inventory Automation |
IA➣Installing Activity |
IA➣Interrogation Arm (explosive detection aid) |
IA➣Interactive Accountability |
IA➣Input Acknowledgement |
IA➣Imagery Analysis/Analyst |
IA➣Implosion-Assembled (weapon) |
IA➣Introducing Advisor (foreign exchange) |
IA➣Ifugao Academy (Kiangan, Ifugao, Philippines) |
IA➣Immediately Avaliable |
IA➣Installation Accountant |