Gromov, Valerian Innokentievich
Gromov, Valerian Innokentievich
Born Feb. 27 (Mar. 10), 1896, in Kiakhta. Soviet geologist and paleontologist. Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences (1940). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1962). Professor (1963).
Since 1926, Gromov has been working in the system of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He has been deputy chairman of the Quaternary Commission of the Academy of Sciences and head of the Quaternary Geology Department of the Geology Institute under the Academy of Sciences (1941–70).
Gromov’s basic research has been devoted to questions of the biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Quaternary deposits and to Paleolithic geology. He was the first to establish for the USSR the sequence in the change of Quaternary faunas and their significance in stratigraphy, as well as in the dating of Paleolithic sites. He was awarded the Karpinskii Prize (1947) and the State Prize of the USSR (1950) for his work Paleontological and Archaeological Basis for the Stratigraphy of Quaternary Continental Deposits on Soviet Territory (1948). He has been awarded two orders as well as medals.
“Materialy k izucheniiu chetvertichnykh otlozhenii v basseine sred-nego techeniia r. Obi.” Trudy Komissii po izucheniiu chetver-tichnogo perioda, 1934, vol. 3, issue 2.Kratkii sistematicheskii i stratigraficheskii obzor chetvertichnykh mlekopitaiushchikh SSSR, vol. 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939.
Verkhnepaleoliticheskaia stoianka Sungir’. Moscow, 1966. (Coauthor.)
Chetvertichnaia geologiia i geomorfologiia Sibiri, parts 1–2. Novosibirsk, 1969.Nikiforova, K. V. “Znachenie trudov Gromova V. 1. v razvitii chetvertichnoi geologii Sibiri.” Biul. Komissii po izucheniiu chelvertichnogo perioda AN SSSR. 1966, no. 32.