释义 |
in·au·gu·rate I0075400 (ĭn-ô′gyə-rāt′, -gə-)tr.v. in·au·gu·rat·ed, in·au·gu·rat·ing, in·au·gu·rates 1. To induct into office by a formal ceremony.2. To cause to begin, especially officially or formally: inaugurate a new immigration policy. See Synonyms at begin.3. To open or begin use of formally with a ceremony; dedicate: inaugurate a community center. [Latin inaugurāre, inaugurāt-, to consecrate by augury : in-, intensive pref.; see in-2 + augurāre, to augur (from augur, soothsayer; see aug- in Indo-European roots).] in·au′gu·ra′tor n. |