

单词 high



H0185000 (hī)adj. high·er, high·est 1. a. Having a relatively great elevation; extending far upward: a high mountain; a high tower.b. Extending a specified distance upward: a cabinet ten feet high.2. Far or farther from a reference point: was too high in the offensive zone to take a shot.3. a. Being at or near the peak or culminating stage: the high tourist season; high summer.b. Advanced in development or complexity: high forms of animal life; higher mathematics.c. Far removed in time; remote: high antiquity.4. a. Slightly spoiled or tainted; gamy. Used of meat.b. Having a bad smell; malodorous.5. a. Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively large number of sound-wave cycles per second: the high tones of a flute.b. Raised in pitch; not soft or hushed: a high voice.6. Situated relatively far from the equator: a high latitude.7. a. Of great importance: set a high priority on funding the housing program.b. Eminent in rank or status: a high official.c. Serious; grave: high crimes and misdemeanors.d. Constituting a climax; crucial: The chase scene is the high point of the film.e. Characterized by lofty or stirring events or themes: high adventure; high drama.8. Lofty or exalted in quality or character: a person of high morals.9. a. Greater than usual or expected, as in quantity, magnitude, cost, or degree: "A high price has to be paid for the happy marriage with the four healthy children" (Doris Lessing).b. Favorable: He has a high opinion of himself.10. Of great force or violence: high winds.11. a. Informal Excited or euphoric: high spirits.b. Slang Intoxicated by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana.12. Luxurious; extravagant: high living.13. Linguistics Of or relating to vowels produced with part of the tongue close to the palate, as in the vowel of tree.14. Of, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that produces the greatest vehicular speed with respect to engine speed.adv. higher, highest 1. At, in, or to a lofty position, level, or degree: saw a plane high in the sky; prices that had gone too high.2. In an extravagant or luxurious way: made a fortune and lived high.n.1. A lofty place or region.2. A high level or degree: Summer temperatures reached an all-time high.3. The high gear configuration of a transmission.4. A center of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.5. a. Informal An excited or euphoric condition: The team was on a high after winning in overtime.b. Slang An intoxicated or euphoric condition induced by alcohol or a drug.Idioms: high and dry1. In a position of helplessness; stranded: went off and left me high and dry.2. Nautical Out of water. Used of a ship, for example. high and low Here and there; everywhere: searched high and low for the keys. on high1. High in the sky.2. In heaven.3. In a position of authority.
[Middle English, from Old English hēah.]
high′ly adv.


(haɪ) adj1. being a relatively great distance from top to bottom; tall: a high building. 2. situated at or extending to a relatively great distance above the ground or above sea level: a high plateau. 3. a. (postpositive) being a specified distance from top to bottom: three feet high. b. (in combination): a seven-foot-high wall. 4. extending from an elevation: a high dive. 5. (in combination) coming up to a specified level: knee-high. 6. being at its peak or point of culmination: high noon. 7. of greater than average height: a high collar. 8. greater than normal in degree, intensity, or amount: high prices; a high temperature; a high wind. 9. of large or relatively large numerical value: high frequency; high voltage; high mileage. 10. (General Physics) (of sound) acute in pitch; having a high frequency11. (Physical Geography) (of latitudes) situated relatively far north or south from the equator12. (Cookery) (of meat) slightly decomposed or tainted, regarded as enhancing the flavour of game13. of great eminence; very important: the high priestess. 14. exalted in style or character; elevated: high drama. 15. expressing or feeling contempt or arrogance: high words. 16. elated; cheerful: high spirits. 17. (predicative) informal overexcited: by the end of term the children are really high. 18. (Psychology) informal being in a state of altered consciousness, characterized esp by euphoria and often induced by the use of alcohol, narcotics, etc19. luxurious or extravagant: high life. 20. advanced in complexity or development: high finance. 21. (Automotive Engineering) (of a gear) providing a relatively great forward speed for a given engine speed. Compare low12122. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics of, relating to, or denoting a vowel whose articulation is produced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate or the blade towards the hard palate, such as for the ee in English see or oo in English moon. Compare low12023. (capital when part of name) formal and elaborate in style: High Mass. 24. (Anglicanism) (usually capital) of or relating to the High Church25. remote, esp in time26. (Card Games) cards a. having a relatively great value in a suitb. able to win a trick27. high and dry stranded; helpless; destitute28. high and low in all places; everywhere29. high and mighty informal arrogant30. high as a kite informal a. very drunkb. overexcitedc. euphoric from drugs31. high opinion a favourable opinionadv32. at or to a height: he jumped high. 33. in a high manner34. (Nautical Terms) nautical close to the wind with sails fulln35. a high place or level36. (Psychology) informal a state of altered consciousness, often induced by alcohol, narcotics, etc37. (Physical Geography) another word for anticyclone38. (Education) short for high school39. (Placename) (capital) (esp in Oxford) the High Street40. (Electronics) electronics the voltage level in a logic circuit corresponding to logical one. Compare low13041. on high a. at a heightb. in heaven[Old English hēah; related to Old Norse hār, Gothic hauhs, Old High German hōh high, Lithuanian kaũkas bump, Russian kúchča heap, Sanskrit kuča bosom]



adj. and
adv. -er, -est,
n. adj. 1. having a great or considerable height; lofty; tall: a high wall. 2. having a specified height: The tree is now 20 feet high. 3. situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high ledge. 4. exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense: high speed; high color. 5. expensive; costly; dear: high prices; high rent. 6. exalted, as in rank, station, or eminence: a high official. 7. elevated in pitch: high notes. 8. extending to or from an elevation: a high dive. 9. great in quantity, as number, degree, or force: a high temperature; high cholesterol. 10. holding to High Church principles and practices. 11. of great consequence; important; grave: high crimes against humanity. 12. elated; merry or hilarious: high spirits; a high old time. 13. rich; extravagant; luxurious: to indulge in high living. 14. intoxicated or euphoric under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. 15. remote: high latitude; high antiquity. 16. extreme in opinion or doctrine, esp. in religion or politics: a high Tory. 17. of or designating highland or inland regions. 18. having considerable energy or potential power. 19. pertaining to the gear transmission ratio at which the drive shaft speed and the speed of the engine crankshaft most closely correspond: high gear. 20. (of a vowel) articulated with the upper surface of the tongue relatively close to the palate, as the vowels of eat, it, boot, and put. Compare low 1 (def. 27). 21. (esp. of game) aged until verging on decomposition; slightly tainted. 22. (of a pitched baseball) crossing the plate at a level above the batter's shoulders. 23. (of a playing card) a. having greater value than other denominations or suits. b. able to take a trick; being a winning card. adv. 24. at or to a high point, place, or level. 25. in or to a high rank or estimate: to aim high in political ambition. 26. at or to a high amount or price. 27. in or to a high degree. 28. luxuriously; richly; extravagantly: to live high. 29. Naut. as close to the wind as is possible while making headway with sails full. n. 30. high gear. 31. an atmospheric pressure system characterized by relatively high pressure at its center. 32. a high or the highest point, place, or level; peak: a record high for unemployment. 33. a. an intoxicated or euphoric state induced by alcohol or narcotics. b. a period of sustained excitement, exhilaration, or the like. Idioms: 1. high and dry, a. (of a ship) grounded so as to be entirely above water at low tide. b. deserted; stranded: to be left high and dry. 2. high and low, in every possible place; everywhere: to search high and low. 3. high on, enthusiastic about; favorably disposed toward. 4. on high, a. at or to a height; above. b. in heaven. c. having a high position, as one who makes important decisions: the powers on high. [before 900; Middle English heigh, variant of he(g)h, hey, Old English hēah, hēh, c. Old Frisian hāch, Old Saxon, Old High German hoh, Old Norse hār, Gothic hauhs; akin to Lithuanian kaũkas swelling]


– tall">tall1. 'high'

You use high to describe things which measure a larger distance than usual from the bottom to the top. For example, you talk about a high hill or a high fence.

...the high mountains of northern Japan....the high walls of the prison.
2. 'tall'

You use tall to describe things which are higher than usual, but which are also much higher than they are wide. So, for example, you talk about a tall tree or a tall chimney.

Insects buzzed in the tall grass.We saw several birds, including a tall heron standing on one leg.

You always use tall when you are talking about people.

Andreas was a tall handsome man.She was a young woman, fairly tall and slim.
3. another meaning of 'high'

High also means 'a long way above the ground'. For example, you talk about a high window or a high shelf.

It was a large room with a high ceiling.
Noun1.high - a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high"degree, level, grade - a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree"low - a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low"
2.high - an air mass of higher than normal pressurehigh - an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high"air mass - a large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontallyanticyclone - (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high pressure center; circling clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern
3.high - a state of sustained elation; "I'm on a permanent high these days"elation - an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depressionlow spirits - a state of mild depression
4.high - a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on"elation - an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression
5.high - a high placehigh - a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesn't like heights"heightsplace, spot, topographic point - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet"
6.high - a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12high - a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12; "he goes to the neighborhood highschool"high school, highschool, senior high, senior high schoolGymnasium, lycee, lyceum, middle school, secondary school - a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12
7.high - a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speedhigh gearauto, automobile, car, motorcar, machine - a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"gear mechanism, gear - a mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle)overdrive - a high gear used at high speeds to maintain the driving speed with less output power
Adj.1.high - greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"superior - of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"low - less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
2.high - (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high"tall - great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships"top - situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"up - being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up"low - literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
3.high - standing above others in quality or position; "people in high places"; "the high priest"; "eminent members of the community"eminentsuperior - of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"
4.high - used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequencyhigh-pitchedlow-pitched, low - used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency
5.high - happy and excited and energeticin high spiritselated - exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; "the elated winner"; "felt elated and excited"
6.high - (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or taintedgamey, gamyill-smelling, malodorous, malodourous, stinky, unpleasant-smelling - having an unpleasant smell
7.high - slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)high - slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)mellowdrunk, inebriated, intoxicated - stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated"
Adv.1.high - at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder"high up
2.high - in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have gone up far too high"
3.high - in a rich manner; "he lives high"luxuriously, richly
4.high - far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river"


adjective1. tall, towering, soaring, steep, elevated, lofty A house with a high wall around it.
tall low, short, dwarfed, stunted
2. extreme, great, acute, severe, extraordinary, excessive Officials said casualties were high.
extreme low, average, routine, moderate, mild, restrained, reduced
3. strong, violent, extreme, blustery, squally, sharp High winds have knocked down trees and power lines.4. expensive, dear, steep (informal), costly, stiff, high-priced, exorbitant I think it's a good buy overall, despite the high price.5. important, leading, ruling, chief, powerful, significant, distinguished, prominent, superior, influential, notable, big-time (informal), eminent, major league (informal), exalted, consequential Every one of them is controlled by the families of high officials.
important insignificant, lowly, unimportant, low, common, average, secondary, inconsequential, menial, undistinguished, low-ranking, ignoble
6. advanced, complex the rise of Japan's high technology industries7. notable, leading, important, famous, significant, celebrated, outstanding, distinguished, superior, renowned, eminent, exalted, noteworthy, pre-eminent She has always had a high reputation for her excellent stories.8. high-pitched, piercing, shrill, penetrating, treble, soprano, strident, sharp, acute, piping Her high voice really irritated Maria.
high-pitched low, deep, low-pitched, alto, bass, gruff
9. cheerful, excited, merry, exhilarated, exuberant, joyful, bouncy (informal), boisterous, elated, light-hearted Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick.
cheerful low, sad, depressed, gloomy, melancholy, dejected
10. (Informal) intoxicated, stoned (slang), spaced out (slang), tripping (informal), turned on (slang), on a trip (informal), delirious, euphoric, freaked out (informal), hyped up (slang), off your face (slang), loved-up (informal), zonked (slang), inebriated He was too high on drugs and alcohol to remember them.11. luxurious, rich, grand, lavish, extravagant, opulent, hedonistic, champagne an emphatic contrast to his Park Avenue high life
adverb1. way up, aloft, far up, to a great height on combat patrol flying high above the landing sitesnoun1. peak, height, top, summit, crest, record level, apex Sales of Russian vodka have reached an all-time high.2. (Informal) intoxication, trip (informal), euphoria, delirium, ecstasy The 'thrill' sought is said to be similar to a drug high.high and dry abandoned, stranded, helpless, forsaken, bereft, destitute, in the lurch You could be left high and dry in a strange town.high and low everywhere, all over (the place), far and wide, exhaustively, in every nook and cranny I have searched high and low for clothes to fit him.high and mighty (Informal) self-important, superior, arrogant, stuck-up (informal), conceited, imperious, overbearing, haughty, snobbish, disdainful I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.high up important, prominent, powerful, significant, distinguished, superior, influential, notable, big-time (informal), eminent, major league (informal), exalted, consequential His cousin is somebody quite high up in the navy.on a high ecstatic, thrilled, elated, over the moon (informal), delirious, euphoric, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven For several weeks he was on a high.


adjective1. Extending to a great height:tall.2. Having a rather great upward projection:long, tall.3. Long past:ancient, immemorial.4. Elevated in pitch:high-pitched, piercing, piping, shrieky, shrill, shrilly, treble.Music: acute.5. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style:elevated, eloquent, exalted, grand, high-flown, lofty.6. Abnormally increased, especially in intensity:elevated, heightened, raised.7. Bringing a high price:costly, dear, expensive, high-priced.8. Intensely violent in sustained velocity:fierce, furious, heavy, strong.9. Slang. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs:drugged.Informal: doped.Slang: hopped-up, lit (up), potted, spaced-out, stoned, turned-on, wiped-out, zonked.10. Slang. Stupefied, excited, or muddled with alcoholic liquor:besotted, crapulent, crapulous, drunk, drunken, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, sodden, tipsy.Informal: cockeyed, stewed.Slang: blind, bombed, boozed, boozy, crocked, lit (up), loaded, looped, pickled, pixilated, plastered, potted, sloshed, smashed, soused, stinking, stinko, stoned, tight, zonked.Idioms: drunk as a skunk, half-seas over, high as a kite, in one's cups, three sheets in the wind.nounSlang. A strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation:lift, thrill.Informal: wallop.Slang: bang, boot, kick.


(hai) adjective1. at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc. a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board. 高的 高的,具有相对高度的 2. having a particular height. This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high. (特定高度的)高(如:這棟建築物有20公尺高) (特定高度的)高的 3. great; large; considerable. The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature. 很大的,很高的 很大的4. most important; very important. the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official. 最(極)重要的 重要的5. noble; good. high ideals. 崇高的 高尚的6. (of a wind) strong. The wind is high tonight. 強烈的 强烈的7. (of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range. a high note. 高音的 高音调的8. (of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's). He still speaks in a high voice. 像童音的 (象孩子样)尖声的 9. (of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad. (食物,尤指肉)開始腐壞 开始变质的10. having great value. Aces and kings are high cards. 高價值的 价值高的 adverb at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc. The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession. 高高地 高高地ˈhighly adverb1. very; very much. highly delighted; highly paid; I value the book highly.2. with approval. He thinks/speaks very highly of you. 讚許地 赞许地ˈhighness noun1. the state or quality of being high. 居高 高度2. a title of a prince, princess etc. Your Highness; Her Highness. 殿下 殿下ˈhigh-chair noun a chair with long legs, used by a baby or young child at mealtimes. 兒童高腳椅 幼童坐的高脚椅ˌhigh-ˈclass adjective of high quality. This is a high-class hotel. 高級的 高级的higher education education beyond the level of secondary school education, eg at a university. 高等教育 高等教育high fidelity high quality and great accuracy (in the reproduction of sound). See also hi-fi 高傳真 高保真度ˌhigh-ˈhanded adjective done, acting, without consultation of, or consideration for, other people. a high-handed decision; A new headmaster should try not to be too high-handed. 專橫的,盛氣凌人的 专横的ˌhigh-ˈhandedly adverb 專橫地,盛氣凌人地 专横地ˌhigh-ˈhandedness noun 專橫,盛氣凌人 专横high jump a sports contest in which people jump over a bar which is raised until no-one can jump over it. 跳高 跳高ˈhighlands noun plural a mountainous part of certain countries, especially (with capital) of Scotland. 高地 高地ˈhigh-level adjective involving important people. high-level talks. 高層級的 高阶层的,高级的 ˈhighlight noun the best or most memorable event, experience, part of something etc. The highlight of our holiday was a trip to a brewery. 最精彩或最難忘的部份 最精彩的场面 verb to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc). 突顯 加亮,强调,使 ... 显得重要 ˌhighly-ˈstrung adjective very nervous; very easily upset or excited. 極為緊張的,容易激動的 十分敏感的,紧张的,易激动的 ˌhigh-ˈminded adjective having or showing good or noble ideals, principles etc. 品格高尚的 品格高尚的ˌhigh-ˈmindedness noun 品格高尚 品格高尚ˌhigh-ˈpitched adjective (of sounds, voices etc) high, sharp. a high-pitched, childish voice. 尖聲的,高音的 尖声的,高声的 ˌhigh-ˈpowered adjective (with an engine which is) very powerful. a high-powered motorboat/engine. 高功率的,馬力強的 大功率的,马力大的 ˈhigh-rise adjective with many storeys. She does not like living in a high-rise flat as the children cannot get out to play easily. 多樓層的 高楼的,多层的 ˈhighroad noun a main road. 公路,主要道路 公路,大道 high school a secondary school. She goes to high school next year. 中學 中学ˌhigh-ˈspirited adjective showing high spirits. a high-spirited horse. 生氣蓬勃的,桀驁不馴的 有生气的,活泼的,兴高采烈的 high spirits enthusiasm, cheerfulness and energy. He's in high spirits today. 神采飛揚 兴高采烈high street (with capital when used as a name) the main street of a town etc, usually with shops etc. 城鎮的主街,常有許多商店 大街,,主要街道 high-tech (ˌhai ˈtek) noun (also hi-tech, ~high technology) the use of advanced machines and equipment in industry. 高科技 高科技 adjective (also hi-tech). high-tech industries. 高科技產業 高科技产业 high tide the time when the tide is farthest up the shore. High tide today is at 15.46; They set sail at high tide. 漲潮 满潮high treasontreasonhigh water the time at which the tide or other water (eg a river) is at its highest point. 高水位 高水位ˈhighway noun a road, especially a large or main road. 公路 公路Highway Code in Britain, (a booklet containing) a set of official rules for road users. 公路法規 公路法规ˈhighwaymanplural ˈhighwaymen noun in earlier times, a man usually on horseback, who attacked and robbed people travelling in coaches etc on public roads. (舊時)攔路搶劫的匪徒 拦路的强盗high wirewirehigh and dry1. (of boats) on the shore; out of the water. The boat was left high and dry of the beach. (船)在岸上,出水 搁浅2. in difficulties. Her husband has left her high and dry without any money. 陷於困頓 孤立无援high and low everywhere. I've searched high and low for that book. 四處 到处high and mighty behaving as if one thinks one is very important. Don't be so high and mighty – you're just like any one of us. 趾高氣揚 趾高气扬the high seas the open seas; far from land. 在海上,遠離陸地 公海,远离陆地 it is etc high time something ought to be done or have been done etc by now. It is high time that this job was finished; It's high time someone spanked that child. 該是做某事的時候了,某事早該完成的時候了 早就是...的时候
see also tall.


高度地zhCN, 高的zhCN
  • The seat is too high → 座位太高
  • When is high tide? → 会涨潮吗?
  • How high is it? → 有多高?
  • Do you have a high chair? → 有儿童高脚座椅吗?



1. noun An extreme or maximum level of something. The high this week will be 80 degrees.2. noun A state of drug-induced euphoria or intoxication. This stuff will give you a nice, mellow high.3. noun A state of euphoria or happiness (not induced by drugs, though sometimes likened to such a state). The thrill of seeing the ultra-rare bird was a high I'll never forget. The high of my book tour was soon replaced with the dread of having to start writing the next one.4. noun A period of general excellence; a pinnacle. A lot of fans think that rock music was at its high in the late '60s. The highs of parenthood make the lows worth it.5. adjective Describing someone experiencing a state of drug-induced intoxication or euphoria. We got high before the concert. Mom was furious when she found out we were high at the family reunion.

high, wide, and handsome

1. Very impressive. For such a young girl, the extent of her musical knowledge is high, wide, and handsome.2. Very happy. Johnny's in a bit of a bad mood, but just give him a new toy to play with and he'll be high, wide, and handsome again in no time.See also: and, handsome


1. mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. They went out for the evening to get high, and for no other reason. 2. n. a state of euphoria caused by drugs or alcohol. His life is nothing but one high after another.


on/off the hog Slang In a lavish or extravagant manner: lived high on the hog after getting his inheritance.
  • (as) high as a kite
  • (as) high as the sky
  • (it's) about time
  • a high profile
  • adopt, keep, etc. a high/low profile
  • all-time high (low)
  • at the high port
  • be (as) happy as a clam (at high tide)
  • be as high as a kite
  • be flying high
  • be for the high jump
  • be held in high esteem
  • be held in high regard
  • be in high spirits
  • be in high/low spirits
  • be in low spirits
  • be knee-high to a grasshopper
  • be living high on the hog
  • be on (one's) high horse
  • be riding high
  • be riding high in the saddle
  • be/get on your high horse
  • blow (something) sky-high
  • blow sky-high
  • blow sky-high, to
  • blow somebody/something sky-high
  • blow something sky-high
  • buy low, sell high
  • by hell or high water
  • claim the moral high ground
  • climb on (one's) high horse
  • come hell or high water
  • cork high and bottle deep
  • double Dutch
  • eat high off the hog
  • eat high on the hog
  • end (something) on a high note
  • finish (something) on a high note
  • fly high
  • flying high
  • for the high jump
  • friend in court
  • friends in high places
  • from on high
  • get high
  • get off (one's) high horse
  • get off high horse
  • get on (one's) high horse
  • get on your high horse
  • go out on a high note
  • go sky-high
  • go through hell and high water
  • going high
  • happy as a clam (at high tide)
  • happy as a clam at high tide
  • happy as the day is long
  • have (high) hopes of (something)
  • have a bad opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a good opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a good, bad, high, low, etc. opinion of somebody/something
  • have a high old time
  • have a high opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a low opinion of (someone or something)
  • have friends in high places
  • hell and high water
  • hell or high water
  • hell or high water, come
  • high
  • high and dry
  • high and low
  • high and mighty
  • high as a kite
  • high cotton
  • high days and holidays
  • high five
  • high flier
  • high gear
  • high ground
  • high horse
  • high jinks
  • high man on the totem pole
  • high muckamuck
  • high muck-a-muck
  • high muckety muck
  • high mucky-muck
  • high noon
  • high note
  • high off the hog
  • high off the hog, eat
  • high off the hog, to eat/live
  • high old
  • high old time
  • high on
  • high on (something)
  • high on something
  • high on the hog
  • high on the/(one's) agenda
  • high places, friends in
  • high point (of something)
  • high profile
  • high roller
  • high seas
  • high sign
  • high society
  • high spot (of something)
  • high time
  • high ups
  • high, wide, and handsome
  • high-and-mighty
  • highbrow
  • highbrowed
  • high-button shoes
  • high-handed
  • high-key
  • high-maintenance
  • high-pressure (one) into (doing something)
  • high-pressure into
  • high-res
  • high-strung
  • high-ups
  • high-water mark
  • highways and byways
  • high-wire act
  • hit the high
  • hit the high points
  • hit the high spots
  • hit the high spots, to
  • hold (one's) head (up) high
  • hold (one's) high
  • hold (someone) in high esteem
  • hold (someone) in high regard
  • hold in high regard
  • hold one’s high
  • hold one's head high
  • hold your head high
  • hunt high and low
  • hunt high and low (for someone or something)
  • in (high) hopes that
  • in demand
  • in fine feather
  • in full swing
  • in good spirits
  • in high cotton
  • in high dudgeon
  • in high feather
  • in high gear
  • in high places
  • in high spirits
  • in hopes of
  • into high gear
  • it is high time
  • it is high time that
  • it's about time
  • it's high time
  • it's high/about time...
  • keep a low profile
  • knee high to a grasshopper
  • knee-high by the 4th of July
  • knee-high to a grasshopper
  • knee-high to a jackrabbit
  • leave (one) high and dry
  • leave (something) on a high note
  • leave high and dry
  • leave someone high and dry
  • like hell and high lightning
  • live high off the hog
  • live high on the hog
  • look for (someone or something) high and low
  • look for high and low
  • look high and low
  • look high and low (for someone or something)
  • Lord High Everything Else
  • of the highest magnitude
  • of the highest order
  • of the highest/first order
  • on (one's) high horse
  • on a high
  • on high
  • on high horse
  • on one’s high horse
  • on one's high horse
  • on one's high horse, to be
  • on the high seas
  • on the high-road to Needham
  • on your high horse
  • pile it/them high and sell it/them cheap
  • ride high
  • riding high
  • rolling high
  • run high
  • running high
  • search high and low
  • search high and low (for someone or something)
  • seize the moral high ground
  • set (one's) sights high
  • set (one's) sights low
  • set a high/low bar
  • set the bar (high/low)
  • set your sights high/low
  • smell to high heaven
  • smell to high heaven, to
  • smell/stink to high heaven
  • stink to high heaven
  • swing into high gear
  • take the high ground
  • take the high road
  • take the moral high ground
  • take, claim, seize, etc. the moral high ground
  • the first/top rung on the ladder
  • the goose hangs high
  • the high ground
  • the high point/spot of something
  • the high road
  • the high sign
  • the moral high ground
  • through hell and high water
  • too (something) for comfort
  • too close/high, etc. for comfort
  • turn on
  • up high
  • with (one's) head held high
  • with a high hand



1. Music (of sound) acute in pitch; having a high frequency 2. Geography (of latitudes) situated relatively far north or south from the equator 3. Informal being in a state of altered consciousness, characterized esp by euphoria and often induced by the use of alcohol, narcotics, etc. 4. (of a gear) providing a relatively great forward speed for a given engine speed 5. of or relating to the High Church 6. Cardsa. having a relatively great value in a suit b. able to win a trick 7. Informal a state of altered consciousness, often induced by alcohol, narcotics, etc. 8. another word for anticyclone9. short for high school10. (esp in Oxford) the High Street 11. Electronics the voltage level in a logic circuit corresponding to logical one

What does it mean when you dream about a high place?

Dreaming about being elevated can reflect, on the one hand, a sense of broad scope, of standing above and observing other things. On the other hand, it can indicate a sense of detachment, of not really being involved. Dreaming about seeing something elevated can indicate being impressed or being challenged.


[] (meteorology) An area of high pressure, referring to a maximum of atmospheric pressure in two dimensions (closed isobars) in the synoptic surface chart, or a maximum of height (closed contours) in the constant-pressure chart; since a high is, on the synoptic chart, always associated with anticyclonic circulation, the term is used interchangeably with anticyclone.


highi. A height between 25,000 and 50,000 ft (7.5–15 km).
ii. An area of high barometric pressure with its attendant system of anticyclonic winds. They circulate clock-wise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlock-wise in the Southern Hemisphere.


A popular term for a state of pleasant and/or manic euphoria, which is often a desired end-point for users of narcotics, hallucinogens, or other potentially addicting substances of abuse


Substance abuse A popular term for a state of pleasant and/or manic euphoria, which is often a desired end-point for users of narcotics, hallucinogens, or other potentially addicting substances of abuse. See Bad trip, 'Stoned. '.


() Elevated, lofty; above some basis or point of comparison. [O.E. hēah]

Patient discussion about high

Q. how high is to high sugar I have been to surgry 3 times in 2 months and I have had my sugar go over before but not like this. I went to the Dr and Hes not worried about it. In the morning it is running 124 to 143 and 2 hrs after I eat it is running 165 to 200. At the Dr office it only showed 5.6 and He said 6.5 and over is bad! I have never sugar this high ever! It is in the family, my Mom, her Mom, her Dad ECT. What do you all think about it!A. It seems what the doctor was referring to at the office wasn't the blood glucose (sugar) measurements but rather HbA1c - a substance in the blood that reflects the sugar levels in the PAST 8-12 weeks. Surgery is a substantial stress to your body and thus can increase your blood sugar. The A1C reflects the average levels during that time so it may overcome the temporary elevation due to the surgery.
You may read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HbA1c

Q. I have high cholesterol. What I need to do in order to reduce him?A. How to Eat to Lower Your Cholesterol
Things You’ll Need:
Kidney Beans
Soy Foods Like Tofu
White Beans
Step1Eat more garlic. Add it to pasta, soups and vegetables.
Step2Increase your intake of soy foods. Enjoy more tofu, green soybeans (edamame), tempeh and TVP (texturized vegetable protein).
3Add beans to your diet three to five times a week. Try lentil soup, black beans and rice, and hummus, and toss kidney beans into green salads.
Step4Include a serving of fiber-rich fruit or vegetables at every meal and snack.
For full article: http://www.ehow.com/how_12776_eat-lower-cholesterol.html?ref=fuel&utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=ssp&utm_campaign=yssp_art Hope this helps.

Q. How to lower high cholesterol? The Doctor told my husband that his cholesterol levels are very high and that he has to lower them immediately. What foods are low in cholesterol and what foods should I be cooking for him to eat?A. Any treatment of high cholesterol first begins with some lifestyle changes. This involves three simple, yet often difficult to execute, steps: improved diet, increased physical activity, and weight management.
Make sure your Husband is eating unsaturated fats instead of saturated and trans fats, avoiding cholesterol, increasing dietary fiber, and consuming more plant sterols/stanols. Increase his vegetables and whole grains intake, but decrease the fat, salt and sugar intakes.
Also, it will be easier for him to stick to his diet if the whole family changes their eating habits and eats healthier too. Start cooking healthy meals for the whole family and not just for him.

More discussions about high


Related to High: high court, high blood pressure

HIGH. This word has various significations: 1. Principal or chief, as high constable, high sheriff. 2. Prominent, in a bad sense, as high treason. 3. Open, not confined, as high seas.



HIGHHarvard Initiative for Global Health


Related to high: high court, high blood pressure
  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for high

adj tall


  • tall
  • towering
  • soaring
  • steep
  • elevated
  • lofty


  • low
  • short
  • dwarfed
  • stunted

adj extreme


  • extreme
  • great
  • acute
  • severe
  • extraordinary
  • excessive


  • low
  • average
  • routine
  • moderate
  • mild
  • restrained
  • reduced

adj strong


  • strong
  • violent
  • extreme
  • blustery
  • squally
  • sharp

adj expensive


  • expensive
  • dear
  • steep
  • costly
  • stiff
  • high-priced
  • exorbitant

adj important


  • important
  • leading
  • ruling
  • chief
  • powerful
  • significant
  • distinguished
  • prominent
  • superior
  • influential
  • notable
  • big-time
  • eminent
  • major league
  • exalted
  • consequential


  • insignificant
  • lowly
  • unimportant
  • low
  • common
  • average
  • secondary
  • inconsequential
  • menial
  • undistinguished
  • low-ranking
  • ignoble

adj advanced


  • advanced
  • complex

adj notable


  • notable
  • leading
  • important
  • famous
  • significant
  • celebrated
  • outstanding
  • distinguished
  • superior
  • renowned
  • eminent
  • exalted
  • noteworthy
  • pre-eminent

adj high-pitched


  • high-pitched
  • piercing
  • shrill
  • penetrating
  • treble
  • soprano
  • strident
  • sharp
  • acute
  • piping


  • low
  • deep
  • low-pitched
  • alto
  • bass
  • gruff

adj cheerful


  • cheerful
  • excited
  • merry
  • exhilarated
  • exuberant
  • joyful
  • bouncy
  • boisterous
  • elated
  • light-hearted


  • low
  • sad
  • depressed
  • gloomy
  • melancholy
  • dejected

adj intoxicated


  • intoxicated
  • stoned
  • spaced out
  • tripping
  • turned on
  • on a trip
  • delirious
  • euphoric
  • freaked out
  • hyped up
  • off your face
  • loved-up
  • zonked
  • inebriated

adj luxurious


  • luxurious
  • rich
  • grand
  • lavish
  • extravagant
  • opulent
  • hedonistic
  • champagne

adv way up


  • way up
  • aloft
  • far up
  • to a great height

noun peak


  • peak
  • height
  • top
  • summit
  • crest
  • record level
  • apex

noun intoxication


  • intoxication
  • trip
  • euphoria
  • delirium
  • ecstasy

phrase high and dry


  • abandoned
  • stranded
  • helpless
  • forsaken
  • bereft
  • destitute
  • in the lurch

phrase high and low


  • everywhere
  • all over (the place)
  • far and wide
  • exhaustively
  • in every nook and cranny

phrase high and mighty


  • self-important
  • superior
  • arrogant
  • stuck-up
  • conceited
  • imperious
  • overbearing
  • haughty
  • snobbish
  • disdainful

phrase high up


  • important
  • prominent
  • powerful
  • significant
  • distinguished
  • superior
  • influential
  • notable
  • big-time
  • eminent
  • major league
  • exalted
  • consequential

phrase on a high


  • ecstatic
  • thrilled
  • elated
  • over the moon
  • delirious
  • euphoric
  • on cloud nine
  • in seventh heaven

Synonyms for high

adj extending to a great height


  • tall

adj having a rather great upward projection


  • long
  • tall

adj long past


  • ancient
  • immemorial

adj elevated in pitch


  • high-pitched
  • piercing
  • piping
  • shrieky
  • shrill
  • shrilly
  • treble
  • acute

adj exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style


  • elevated
  • eloquent
  • exalted
  • grand
  • high-flown
  • lofty

adj abnormally increased, especially in intensity


  • elevated
  • heightened
  • raised

adj bringing a high price


  • costly
  • dear
  • expensive
  • high-priced

adj intensely violent in sustained velocity


  • fierce
  • furious
  • heavy
  • strong

adj stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs


  • drugged
  • doped
  • hopped-up
  • lit
  • potted
  • spaced-out
  • stoned
  • turned-on
  • wiped-out
  • zonked

adj stupefied, excited, or muddled with alcoholic liquor


  • besotted
  • crapulent
  • crapulous
  • drunk
  • drunken
  • inebriate
  • inebriated
  • intoxicated
  • sodden
  • tipsy
  • cockeyed
  • stewed
  • blind
  • bombed
  • boozed
  • boozy
  • crocked
  • lit
  • loaded
  • looped
  • pickled
  • pixilated
  • plastered
  • potted
  • sloshed
  • smashed
  • soused
  • stinking
  • stinko
  • stoned
  • tight
  • zonked

noun a strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation


  • lift
  • thrill
  • wallop
  • bang
  • boot
  • kick

Synonyms for high

noun a lofty level or position or degree

Related Words

  • degree
  • level
  • grade


  • low

noun an air mass of higher than normal pressure

Related Words

  • air mass
  • anticyclone

noun a state of sustained elation

Related Words

  • elation


  • low spirits

noun a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics

Related Words

  • elation

noun a high place


  • heights

Related Words

  • place
  • spot
  • topographic point

noun a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12


  • high school
  • highschool
  • senior high
  • senior high school

Related Words

  • Gymnasium
  • lycee
  • lyceum
  • middle school
  • secondary school

noun a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed


  • high gear

Related Words

  • auto
  • automobile
  • car
  • motorcar
  • machine
  • gear mechanism
  • gear
  • overdrive

adj greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount

Related Words

  • superior


  • low

adj (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like 'knee-high')

Related Words

  • tall
  • top
  • up


  • low

adj standing above others in quality or position


  • eminent

Related Words

  • superior

adj used of sounds and voices


  • high-pitched


  • low-pitched
  • low

adj happy and excited and energetic


  • in high spirits

Related Words

  • elated

adj (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted


  • gamey
  • gamy

Related Words

  • ill-smelling
  • malodorous
  • malodourous
  • stinky
  • unpleasant-smelling

adj slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)


  • mellow

Related Words

  • drunk
  • inebriated
  • intoxicated

adv at a great altitude


  • high up

adv in a rich manner


  • luxuriously
  • richly




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