

单词 i-cell disease

I-cell disease

I-cell disease

[′ī‚sel diz‚ēz] (medicine) inclusion-cell disease

I-cell disease


 [mu″ko-lip″ĭ-do´sis] (pl. mucolipido´ses) any of a group of genetic disorders in which both glycosaminoglycans" >glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and lipids" >lipids accumulate in tissues, but without excess of GAG in the urine.mucolipidosis I sialidosis (type I).mucolipidosis II a rapidly progressing disease of young children, histologically characterized by abnormal fibroblasts containing a large number of dark inclusions which fill the central part of the cytoplasm except for the juxtanuclear zone (I-cells), and clinically by severe growth impairment, minimal hepatic enlargement, extreme mental and motor retardation, and clear corneas; inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, it is due to deficiency of multiple lysosomal hydrolases. Called also I-cell disease.mucolipidosis III a disorder similar to but milder than mucolipidosis II, and thought to be due to the same enzyme deficiency but to a lesser extent. Called also pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy.mucolipidosis IV a form marked by early corneal clouding, psychomotor retardation, and the presence of lysosomal storage bodies; thought to be transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait.

mu·co·lip·i·do·sis II

[MIM*252500] a metabolic disorder with onset in early childhood characterized by clinical and radiographic findings similar to those in Hurler syndrome including gum hypertrophy, thoracic dysplasia, congenital hip dislocation, and mental retardation; vacuolated lymphocytes and unusual inclusion bodies in cultured fibroblasts (I-cells) are found; lysosomal enzymes are increased in serum, spinal fluid, and urine; urinary mucopolysaccharides are normal; associated with a deficiency of N-acetylglucosaminyl-1-phosphotransferase; autosomal recessive inheritance. Synonym(s): I-cell disease, inclusion cell disease

I-cell disease

(ī′sĕl)n. See mucolipidosis II.

I-cell disease

Type II mucolipidosis An AR condition caused by a defect in protein trafficking and sorting, resulting in massive accumulation of intracellular and extracellular waste products, especially glycolipids Clinical Hurler-like/type I-H mucopolysaccharidosis disease with a gargoyle face, early onset of psychomotor retardation, joint contracture, hepatosplenomegaly and cardiac decompensation, with death in childhood Lab Normal urinary mucopolysaccharides, vacuolated lymphocytes, ↑ lysosomal enzymes in serum, CSF, urine

mu·co·lip·i·do·sis II

(myū'kō-lip-i-dō'sis) [MIM*252500] Metabolic disorder with onset in early childhood characterized by clinical and radiographic findings similar to those in Hurler syndrome including gum hypertrophy and thoracic dysplasia.
Synonym(s): I-cell disease.




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