Groans and Whispers

Groans and Whispers


See Also: SIGHS

  1. The continuous moaning was a simple irritant, like the clanking of a radiator pipe —Mary McCarthy
  2. Furious whispers which sounded like the hissing of snakes roused from a summer nap in some warm garden heap —Joyce Cary
  3. Gasped like a big fish —Brian Moore
  4. Groaning … like the wind in the chimney —William Faulkner
  5. Groan like a poleaxed steer —James Thurber
  6. Grunted … like a goat hit with a sledgehammer —William Moseley
  7. Grunted like a man hit with a baseball bat —James Crumley
  8. Grunt like a water-buffalo —O. Henry
  9. Her husky whisper, gentle as a rain breeze, was like a tender caress —Cecilia Rosas
  10. Hissed … like the deadliest of adders —Joseph Heller
  11. (Nola’s) husky whisper had a thrill in it like the rattle of a snake —Wallace Stegner
  12. Like the sound of water readying to boil were the whispers of his voice —Norman Mailer
  13. Moan and pace like captured leopards —Diane Wakoski
  14. Moaned … deeply, like a cello —Martin Cruz Smith
  15. Moaned … like some baffled prowling beast —James Joyce
  16. Moaning like a dumbstruck giant —Scott Spencer
  17. Moans like a bedridden grandmother —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  18. A moan that sounded as if it had been wrenched from her chest with a steel hook —James Crumley
  19. Wail … like wind outside a cabin window —Charles Johnson
  20. (Felt my wrinkled heart) wheeze like a dog on a leash —Jayne Anne Phillips
  21. Whimpering like a puppy just yanked from its mother and thrown onto the side of the road —Gloria Norris
  22. Whimper like a well-trained pet wanting to be let out —George Garrett
  23. A whispering moan like the rustle of wind in trees —James Stevens
  24. Whispers dramatically, as though she were telling me a state secret —Daphne Merkin
  25. Whisper softly as a girl’s tear —Isaac Stern
  26. Wince as if somebody had driven a red-hot spike into his head —P. G. Wodehouse