Honeycomb, Artificial

Honeycomb, Artificial


thin wax sheets with hexagonal impressions that serve as cell bottoms. Attached to frames and placed in hives, artificial honeycombs serve as media for the construction of natural honeycombs. Bees construct honeycombs more rapidly with cells of proper form.

Most artificial honeycombs are factory produced. Wax is first processed into wax slabs, which are subsequently rolled first on smooth, then on engraved rollers with projections corresponding to the shapes of hive cell bottoms. Standard dimensions for artificial honeycomb sheets prepared by modern machines are 410 × 260 mm; 14 to 16 such sheets weigh 1 kg. Attempts to produce artificial honeycombs using more durable material like plastic, paper, or fabric have not given positive results, since bees do not build good combs on such foundations. Artificial honeycombs speed and facilitate the work of the bees and increase the productivity of the swarms.


“O kachestve voshchiny.” Pchelovodstvo, 1961, no. 9.
Temnov, V. A. Tekhnologiia produktov pchelovodstva. Moscow, 1967.