释义 |
heliophobia1. an abnormal fear of sunlight. 2. an avoidance of sunlight.See also: Sunheliophobia
heliophobia[‚hē·lē·ə′fō·bē·ə] (psychology) An abnormal fear of exposure to the sun's rays. heliophobia
he·li·o·pho·bi·a (hē'lē-ō-fō'bē-ă), Morbid fear of exposure to the sun's rays. [helio- + G. phobos, fear] heliophobia Psychology Fear of the sun. See Phobia. heliophobia (hē″lē-ō-fō′bē-ă) [Gr. helios, sun, + phobos, fear] An abnormal fear of the sun's rays, esp. by one who has suffered sunstroke.heliophobiaNeurotic fear of exposure to sunlight. |