Grinevetskii, Vasilii

Grinevetskii, Vasilii Ignat’evich


Born 1871; died Mar. 27, 1919. Russian thermal engineer. In 1896, after graduating from the Moscow Higher Technical School, he remained there to teach. He became a professor in 1900 and director of the school in 1914.

Grinevetskii did research on the work processes occurring in steam engines, boiler units, and internal-combustion engines. In 1905 he developed a scheme for calculating the heat in a boiler unit based on a correct conception of the processes of heat transfer, and in 1906 he developed a theory for the economic computation of the work process of the steam engine. He also worked on the reconstruction of the steam equipment of textile mills, introducing highly efficient multiple heat-and-power plants.


Graficheskii raschet parovogo kotla. Moscow, 1905.
Ekonomika rabochego protsessa parovoi machiny. Moscow, 1906.
Teplovoi raschet rabochego protsessa dvigatelei vnutrennego sgoraniia. Moscow, 1907.
Problema teplovoza i ee znachenie dlia Rossii. Moscow, 1923.
Parovye mashiny: Teoriia rabochego protsessa, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1926.