Haleakala Observatories

Haleakala Observatories

(hä'lāä'kälä`), astronomical facilities located on the summit of Haleakala volcano, 10,023 ft (3,055 m), in Haleakala National ParkHaleakala National Park
, 29,824 acres (12,074 hectares), on Maui island, Hawaii. Haleakala volcano, 10,023 ft (3,055 m) high, has been dormant since the mid-1700s. Its crater, 2,720 ft (829 m) deep with an area of 19 sq mi (49 sq km), is one of the largest in the world.
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, Maui island, Hawaii. Because of the dry climate and limited light pollution at the site as well as its location above a third of the atmosphere, it is among the world's most important ground-based observatories. Operated by the Univ. of Hawaii and its partners, it includes the Mees Solar Observatory; PAN-STARRS PS 1 and PS 2, prototype telescopes that scan the sky continuously and provide information on a variety of celestial objects; the Faulkes Observatory, the education arm of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network; the TLRS-4 Laser Ranging System, which provides satellite laser ranging data; and the Zodiacal Light Observatory, used for a variety of solar and coronal experiments. The Advanced Electro-Optical System (AEOS) and the Maui Space Surveillance Site are operated by the U.S. Air Force.