Belostotskii, Ivan Stepanovich

Belostotskii, Ivan Stepanovich


(party pseudonyms, Vladimir, Mikhail, and Sergei). Born Dec. 25, 1881 (Jan. 6, 1882); died Jan. 31, 1968, in Cheliabinsk. Soviet party and economic figure. Member of the Communist Party since 1904.

Belostotskii was born into a peasant family in Taganrog okrug, in Amvrosievka settlement. He was a lathe-operator. In 1905 he was a member of the strike committee at the Briansk factory. From February 1906 he carried on party work in St. Petersburg. In April 1911 the St. Petersburg Bolshevik organization sent him to the party school organized by V. I. Lenin in Longjumeau, near Paris. After graduation, he was sent by the Foreign Sponsoring Commission to Russia to make preparations for the Sixth (Prague) All-Russian Party Conference. He was co-opted by the Central Committee of the RSDLP, which had been elected at the Prague conference. In March 1912 he became secretary of the Tula Union of Metalworkers. He suffered repression. In 1915 and 1916 he carried on party work in Kharkov and Tula, where he was head of a workers’ insurance office. In 1917 and 1918 he was a member of the Lys’va (Urals) soviet and participated in forming the Red Guard. Then he worked in local government and managerial organs in Perm’, Viatka, Sverdlovsk, and Cheliabinsk. From 1930 he carried out crucial work at the Cheliabinsk tractor factory. He was a delegate to the Nineteenth Congress of the CPSU (1952). In 1958 he became a special pensioner. He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, two other orders, and medals.


Kartashev, N., and L. Konstantinovskii. Boishaia Zhizn’. Cheliabinsk, 1963.