

单词 homosapiens
释义 DictionarySeehuman


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factor IX (human)

AlphaNine SD, Immune VH (CA), Mononine

factor IX (recombinant)


factor IX complex

Bebulin VH, Defix (UK), Hipfix (UK), Octaplex (CA), Profilnine SD, Proplex T (heat-treated), Replenine (UK)

Pharmacologic class: Blood modifier

Therapeutic class: Antihemophilic

Pregnancy risk category C


Converts fibrinogen to fibrin, increasing levels of clotting factors


Powder for injection: Various strengths; units specified on label

Indications and dosages

Factor IX deficiency (hemophilia B or Christmas disease); anticoagulant overdose

Adults and children: Dosage individualized; drug administered I.V. Use following equations to calculate approximate units needed:

Human product-1 unit/kg times body weight (in kg) times desired increase in factor IX level, expressed as percentage of normal

Recombinant product-1.2 units/kg times body weight (in kg) times desired increase in factor IX level, expressed as percentage of normal

Proplex T-0.5 unit/kg times body weight (in kg) times desired increase in factor IX level, expressed as percentage of normal

Off-label uses

• Hepatic dysfunction

• Esophagitis

• Unspecified GI hemorrhage (human product)


• Hypersensitivity to mouse or hamster protein (with BeneFix)

• Fibrinolysis


Use cautiously in:

• recent surgery

• pregnant patients

• children younger than age 6 (safety and efficacy not established).


See Give by slow I.V. infusion. Average infusion rate is 100 units (2 to 3 ml)/minute; don't exceed 10 ml/minute.

• If prescribed, administer hepatitis B vaccine before giving factor IX.

• Know that dosage is highly individualized according to degree of factor IX deficiency, patient's weight, and bleeding severity.

• Don't use glass syringe. Don't shake reconstituted solution or mix with other I.V. solutions.

Adverse reactions

CNS: light-headedness, paresthesia, headache

CV: blood pressure changes, thromboembolic reactions, myocardial infarction (MI)

EENT: allergic rhinitis

GI: nausea, vomiting

Hematologic: disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

Respiratory: pulmonary embolism

Skin: rash, flushing, diaphoresis, pruritus, urticaria

Other: altered taste, fever, chills, burning sensation in jaw and skull, pain at I.V. injection site, hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis


Drug-drug. Aminocaproic acid: increased risk of thrombosis

Patient monitoring

• Be aware that factor IX complex may transmit hepatitis.

• Closely monitor vital signs during infusion.

See Observe for hemolytic reaction. If it occurs, stop infusion, flush line with saline solution, and notify prescriber immediately.

• Monitor I.V. injection site closely.

See Monitor coagulation studies closely. Know that drug may cause thromboembolic disorders, including MI and DIC.

Patient teaching

• Inform patient that drug may transmit diseases.

See Tell patient to immediately report signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction, including rash, hives, tightness in chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, and swelling of throat or lips.

See Advise patient to immediately report unusual bleeding or bruising.

• Caution patient to avoid activities that can cause injury.

• Tell patient to wear medical identification stating that he has a blood-clotting disorder.

• Instruct patient to notify surgeon or dentist of his blood-clotting disorder before surgery or invasive dental procedures.

• As appropriate, review all other significant and life-threatening adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the drugs mentioned above.


(hyo͞o′mən)n. A member of the primate genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other apes by a large brain and the capacity for speech.adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of humans: the course of human events; the human race.
hu′man·hood′ n.hu′man·ness n.

Patient discussion about human

Q. I am a man with breast cancer. Hello friends, you might have heard about breast cancer in women but here I am a man with breast cancer. Is Herceptin licensed to treat me?A. Hi, what were your symptoms and when did you discover you had breast cancer?

Q. what are the basics products we as a humans, need to have in our diet? A. A regular healthy diet should be comprised of a 40-50% carbohydrate (bread, rice, etc.), 30-40% protein (dairy, meat, chicken, fish) and 20% fat. Other important ingredients are fruit and vegetables, that contain large amounts of fibers and vitamins.

Q. Is there a difference between a man's diet and a woman's diet? let say for the point of it the weight the same and they are in the same age .A. no one should have the same exact diet, you need to find what works for you and helps you achieve your goals.
the base of the diet could be the same, for example burn calories then you consume. But other wise, find what works for you.

More discussions about human
References in periodicals archiveHomosapiens are the only species on the earth which has achieved the singular distinction of killing its own kind.Women in History: A Science PerspectiveThe final episode of the series, 'Homosapiens', recapitulates images from early episodes, drawing humans into the great pattern, insisting on our animality, our integration with the whole.(Pan-)animal magics: ecofeminist ethics and aesthetics in the webClarke, once said: "It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value." Let's prove him wrong by outliving the insentient beings, to bask in the glory of our own intellect as homosapiens.
- The reader is a student based in Abu DhabiSustainable cities or apocalyptic future?Ever since Homosapiens' first migrated out of Africa, the Indus has drawn thirsty conquerors to its banks.Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River by Alice Albinia, London: John Murray, 2009, pp.366, price PS9.99And it's not just we homosapiens who are having to cope with the shivers.Snow wings its way inAnd it's fair to say that as the nights get longer we, at the homosapiens end of the market, may feel the odd little twitch south of the navel.Cab badge puts out any flames of desire; GOLF CABRIO DIESELTheir only crime is having a 'bit-on-the-side' in Spain which many homosapiens do regularly!Comment - Readers Letters: Staring down the barrel of recessionRecientemente ha publicado su libro La alternativa neopopulista a traves de Homosapiens Editores.Roberto Follari: alternativas neopopulistas en America LatinaHomosapiens have caused this decline in the fishing industry by over- trawling in the past, with the wrong size nets, not allowing the young fish to escape.VOICE OF SCOTLAND; Firefighters can change their jobThe musical charms of the edelweiss may now be consigned to elevators and shopping malls, but the magical properties of the plant could be the latest claim to eternal youth - a "blossom and grow forever" panacea for all us vain homosapiens.TWIN TREATS; NATURAL HEALING POWERS OF ALOE VERA MAKE IT A SUPER PLANT IF YOU WANT TO FEEL FINE


(redirected from Homosapiens)
Related to Homosapiens: Human evolution
  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for human

adj mortal


  • mortal
  • anthropoid
  • manlike


  • animal
  • nonhuman

adj fallible


  • fallible
  • imperfect
  • weak
  • frail

adj kind


  • kind
  • natural
  • vulnerable
  • kindly
  • understandable
  • humane
  • compassionate
  • considerate
  • approachable


  • cruel
  • beastly
  • inhuman
  • unsympathetic
  • brutish

noun human being


  • human being
  • person
  • individual
  • body
  • creature
  • mortal
  • man or woman


  • god
  • animal
  • nonhuman

Synonyms for human

adj of or characteristic of human beings or mankind


  • mortal

adj concerned with human welfare and the alleviation of suffering


  • charitable
  • compassionate
  • humane
  • humanitarian
  • merciful

noun a member of the human race


  • being
  • body
  • creature
  • homo
  • human being
  • individual
  • life
  • man
  • mortal
  • party
  • person
  • personage
  • soul

Synonyms for human

noun any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage


  • human being
  • homo
  • man

Related Words

  • lumbus
  • loin
  • hominid
  • genus Homo
  • human beings
  • human race
  • humankind
  • humans
  • mankind
  • humanity
  • world
  • man
  • Homo erectus
  • Homo soloensis
  • Homo habilis
  • Homo sapiens
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
  • Neandertal
  • Neandertal man
  • Neanderthal
  • Neanderthal man
  • body
  • organic structure
  • physical structure
  • chassis
  • bod
  • human body
  • material body
  • physical body
  • physique
  • build
  • anatomy
  • figure
  • flesh
  • frame
  • shape
  • soma
  • form
  • body hair
  • head of hair
  • mane
  • human head
  • side
  • foot
  • human foot
  • pes
  • arm
  • hand
  • manus
  • mitt
  • paw
  • face
  • human face
  • nutrition
  • Homo rhodesiensis
  • Rhodesian man
  • schistosome dermatitis
  • swimmer's itch
  • hyperdactyly
  • polydactyly
  • syndactylism
  • syndactyly

adj having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings


  • nonhuman
References in periodicals archiveAround 10,000 years ago, Homosapiens settled down to the agricultural life in river deltas in the Indo-China, Eupharates Valley, Nile Valley and in north western South America.Women in History: A Science PerspectiveUnsolved problems of comparing brain sizes in homosapiens. Brain and Cognition 38:254-85, 1998.Investigacion morfometrica del encefalo de la oveja enana del oeste Africano en NigeriaIn the final episode of the series, 'Homosapiens: The World' (Lucinda Clutterbuck), montages of coloured photographs and live action footage are framed in the decorative borders of pictorial display; paintings from the North American Indian Portfolio accompany a narrative of the progressive extinction of the plains buffalo, while cubist images herald the advent of the twentieth century as an age of excessive consumption of animals as food.(Pan-)animal magics: ecofeminist ethics and aesthetics in the web"Schizophrenia as the price that Homosapiens pays for language: a resolution of the central paradox in the origin of the species." Brain Research Reviews 31, nos."I've found him!": diagnostic narrative in The DSM-IV CasebookIt also goes on to make some even bolder statements: "We are enslaved by speed and have all succumbed to the same insidious virus: Fast Life, which disrupts our habits, pervades the privacy of our homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods; [...] To be worthy of the name, [the] homosapiens should rid himself of speed before it reduces him to a species in danger of extinction," The manifesto continues, "Let us rediscover the flavors and savors of regional cooking and banish the degrading effects of Fast Food.Eat at snails' paceIt also may be general knowledge that the origin of "man" can be traced back 1.6 million years, but they were not homosapiens; i.e., modern man.Enrolled Agents Since 1884?Was all this really the best that Homosapiens could do with his so-much-vaunted brain?A Systems Profile -- Charles O. FrancoisOn the chalk board behind the animal, the students wrote Darwin + Evolution + Homosapiens = Extinction.Performance art criticismHe had no time for |the non-creative bullyboys and homosapiens, schoolmasters of English literature and the like', (p.185).Pursued by Furies: A Life of Malcolm Lowry
Tomorrow could hold pain and suffering, with heat so extreme that the powerful homosapiens may become tomorrow's dinosaurs - animals that once ruled the planet.Sustainable cities or apocalyptic future?Too many members of sub-species homosapiens take what they read literally.Secularism is the only way forward; LETTERSThe return to the virgin forest or steppe with all it entails would mean the end of homosapiens. For this reason care of man is also always care of his culture.The ten deadly sins of psychotherapy




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