Grigorii Alekseevich Razuvaev

Razuvaev, Grigorii Alekseevich


Born Aug. 11 (23), 1895, in Moscow. Soviet organic chemist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966; corresponding member, 1958). Hero of Socialist Labor (1969).

After graduating from Leningrad State University in 1925, Razuvaev worked in the laboratory of high pressures of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He subsequently became head of a laboratory at the Institute of High Pressures of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and head of a subdepartment at the Leningrad Technological Institute. In 1946 he became head of a subdepartment at the University of Gorky; at the same time, from 1956 to 1962, he served as director of the university’s scientific research chemistry institute. In 1963 he helped organize the polymer stabilization laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and was made the laboratory’s director. In 1969 he was appointed director of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Gorky. Razuvaev’s main works are on the chemistry of orga-nometallic compounds and organic peroxides.

Razuvaev received the Lenin Prize (1958) and the State Prize of the USSR (1971). He has also been awarded the Order of Lenin and several medals.


Metalloorganicheskie soedineniia ν elektronike. Moscow, 1972. (Coauthor.)
“Reactions of Organometallic Compounds With Organic Peroxides.” In Organic Peroxides, vol. 3. New York, 1972. (Coauthor.)


Ol’dekop, Iu. A., and N. A. Maeir. “G. A. Razuvaev (K 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia i 40-letiiu nauchnoi i pedagogicheskoi deiatel’nosti).” Zhurnal obshchei khimii, 1966, vol. 36, issue 2.
Premii Lenina udostoeny ν oblasti khimii. Moscow, 1967.