Grigor Daranagetsi

Grigor Daranagetsi


Born 1576; died 1643. Armenian historian and church figure; author of Chronography, which covers the period from 1018 to 1640. In this work, the history of the Seljuks and Ottomans up to 1595 is briefly set forth; the second part deals in detail with the history of the Ottoman Empire from Sultan Mehmed III to Murad IV and contains much information about the situation of the Armenians under Turkish rule and about military revolts (the uprising of the Celâlîs), the revolts of Turkic and Kurdish tribes, and the Turkish-Iranian wars, as well as autobiographical data.


Zhamanakagrut’iun Grigori Vardapeti Kamakhets’woh kam Dara-naghts’woh. Jerusalem, 1915.