

G0269200 (grē′vəs)adj.1. Causing grief, pain, or anguish: a grievous loss.2. Serious or dire; grave: a grievous crime.
[Anglo-Norman grevous, from grever, to harm, aggrieve, from Latin gravāre, to burden; see grieve.]
griev′ous·ly adv.griev′ous·ness n.Usage Note: The pronunciation of grievous with three syllables as (grē′vē-əs), written as though there were an extra i in the spelling of the word, is commonly heard but is roundly criticized as a mispronunciation. Ninety percent of the Usage Panel in 2005 found the three-syllable pronunciation to be unacceptable.
Adv.1.grievously - in a grievous manner; "the resolute but unbroken Germany, grievously wounded but far from destruction, was able to lay the firm foundations for military revival"