beak sign

beak sign

appearance of the distal esophagus, on a contrast esophagram, in achalasia; also used to describe the proximal pyloric canal on upper GI series in congenital pyloric stenosis.
Bone A finding in a lateral spine film in patients with mucopolysaccharidoses and mucolipidoses, characterised by a bird-beak-like tapering of the anteroinferior or anterosuperior margin of the lumbar vertebrae; a ‘beak’ is also described in the medial aspect of the proximal tibia at the epiphyseal plate in Blount’s disease or coxa vara—functional correction may require osteotomy
Kidney A fanciful term referring to a gently curved outward bulging of the renal cortex, adjacent to a well-circumscribed renal mass in the late or nephrogram phase of selective renal angiography, indicating the presence of a slowly expanding, usually benign avascular renal cyst with smooth inner walls, typically seen in arterionephrosclerosis, but also in renal cell carcinoma

beak sign

(bēk sīn) Appearance of the distal esophagus, on a contrast esophagram, in achalasia; also used to describe the proximal pyloric canal on upper gastrointestinal series in congenital pyloric stenosis.