释义 |
hydrencephalocele hydroencephalocele [hi″dro-en-sef′ah-lo-sēl″] hernial protrusion through a cleft in the skull of brain tissue containing fluid; called also hydrocephalocele and hydrencephalocele.hy·dren·ceph·a·lo·cele (hī'dren-sef'ă-lō-sēl), Protrusion, through a cleft in the cranium, of brain substance expanded into a sac that contains fluid. Synonym(s): encephalocystocele, hydrocephalocele, hydroencephalocele [hydr- + G. enkephalos, brain, + kēlē, tumor] hy·dren·ceph·a·lo·cele (hī'dren-sef'ă-lō-sēl) Protrusion, through a defect in the cranium, of brain substance expanded into a sac containing fluid. Synonym(s): hydrocephalocele, hydroencephalocele. [hydr- + G. enkephalos, brain, + kēlē, tumor] |