

单词 icda



Abbreviation for International Classification of Diseases, Adapted for Use in the United States; includes a classification of surgical operations and other therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.


ICDAIntegrated Cached Disk Arrays
ICDAInternational Chromium Development Association
ICDAInternational Coalition for Development Action (Belgium)
ICDAInternational Classification of Diseases, Adapted
ICDAInternal Corrosion Direct Assessment
ICDAInstituto Cultural Dominico-Americano (Dominican Republic)
ICDAInternational Catholic Deaf Association (Landover Hills, MD)
ICDAIntegrated Cached Disk Array
ICDAInternational Confederation of Dietetic Associations
ICDAI Can Do Anything
ICDAInternational Committee of Dietetic Associations
ICDAInternational Congress of Distinguished Awards
ICDAInstitute for Criminal Defense Advocacy (San Diego, CA)
ICDAInterfaith Community Development Association (South Africa)
ICDAIndustrial Compressor Distributors Association
ICDAImplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Abstraction
ICDAIndiana Choral Directors Association
ICDAintegrated circuit design automation
ICDAIllinois Congressional Debate Association
ICDAIllinois Career Development Association
ICDAInternational Center for Development Affairs (Nigeria)
ICDAIrish Cancer Data Association
ICDAInter*Im Community Development Association
ICDAIndustrial and Commercial Development Authority
ICDAInternational Conference on Data Analysis
ICDAIdaho Career Development Association
ICDAIndigent Criminal Defense Appointments (Los Angeles County Bar Association)
ICDAInternational Center for Desert Affairs (Xinjian, China)
ICDAIllinois Cultural Diversity Association
ICDAIranian Curriculum Development Association
ICDAIndependent Corporate Directors Association
ICDAInternational Career Direction Assessment
ICDAInner City Destiny Awards
ICDAIgala Cultural Development Association (Nigeria)
ICDAIowa Choral Directors Association, Inc.
ICDAICQ Dictionary Attack (hacking method)
ICDAIntegrated Conservation and Development Areas
ICDAIrish Cosmetics & Detergents Association
ICDAInternal Corporate Directory Assistance
ICDAInternational Cooperative Development Association (now Agricultural Cooperative Development International)
ICDAInternational Council on Disability Awareness
ICDAInstitute for Communication and Development Action
ICDAIrish Cosmetics, Detergent and Allied Products Association (Dublin, Ireland)
ICDAIntelligent Content Distribution Architecture (WITS Interactive Pvt. Ltd.)
ICDAInternationale Christlich-Demokratische Arbeitnehmer
ICDAIntegrated Cooler Detector Assembly




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