Acronym | Definition |
GRF➣Graph (File Name Extension) |
GRF➣General Revenue Fund (United States) |
GRF➣General Revenue Fund (Canada) |
GRF➣Graduate Research Fellowship (various organizations) |
GRF➣Graph File |
GRF➣Growth hormone-Releasing Factor |
GRF➣Glaucoma Research Foundation |
GRF➣Gerald R. Ford (38th President of the USA) |
GRF➣Ground Reaction Forces |
GRF➣Global Relief Foundation |
GRF➣General Reserve Fund (various organizations) |
GRF➣Gaussian Random Field |
GRF➣Gunma Rock Festival (Japan) |
GRF➣Graphics Resource File |
GRF➣General Receive FIFO |
GRF➣Global Response Force (US Army) |
GRF➣Global Reference Frame (3d-Kinematics) |
GRF➣Graduated Readiness Force |
GRF➣General Register File |
GRF➣Government Recreation and Fitness (military recreation magazine) |
GRF➣Goes Real Fast |
GRF➣Guaranty Reserve Fund |
GRF➣Global Reaction Force |
GRF➣Golden Rule Foundation |
GRF➣Guardrail Relay Facility |
GRF➣Group Registration Form |
GRF➣Giant Rat Fest (polite form) |
GRF➣German Rebel Fighter (gaming clan) |
GRF➣Glomerular Filtrate Rate |
GRF➣Ground Relay Facility |
GRF➣Group Report Finance |
GRF➣Gospel Radio Fellowship (Glasgow, Scotland) |
GRF➣Gross Recurring Fee |
GRF➣Gas Receiving Facility (energy industry) |